Proceedings of the 1Oth annual conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

This paper surveys the ways Namibtan science teachers use prescnbed textbooks. Instances of textbook use are identified in 29 lessons through non-participant observation and verbatim records of class interactions. Using a classification scheme from linguistics, these instances are grouped according to their filed (pedagogic purpose). mode (textbook genre) and the tenor (nature of the accompanying social interactions). Findtngs show that in a large percentage of (particular senior) classes the book is not used. If used, the focus is on diagrams and tables. and on the book's role as authority of knowledge. Whole-group usage of the book in class predominates. followed by indtvidual usc for homework. Explanations of the findings are sought in teachers' perceptions of the nature of science. their role as providers of learning. and their confidence as science content experts. Suggestions for teacher training programmes are provided.
Implemented, Curriculum, Science, Textbooks, Namibian classes
Lubben, F. and others. 2002. The implemented curriculum: using science textbooks in Namibian classes. Proceedings of the 1Oth Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education; Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. University of Natal. SAARMSTE