Mwetulundila, Paulus N.Indongo, Nelago2018-11-132018-11-132018Mwetulundila, P., & Indongo, N. (2018). Trend analysis on gender disparties in Namibia's mining sector: evidence from the Affirmative Action reports of 2011-2015. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 87-108. inequality has become a global concern as it involves the denial of opportunities and equal rights based on ones’ gender. Namibia is no exception to this global phenomenon. The country’s labour force is characterised by inequalities based on gender, despite the various government interventions to address such disparities. Like many governments across the globe, the Namibian government through its Employment Equity Commission enacted the Affirmative Action (employment) Act No. 29 of 1998 to ensure that all Namibians enjoy equal employment opportunities and benefits. This paper examines the trends on Affirmative Action (employment) Act in the mining sector - one of the gendered sectors. It utilises data from Affirmative Action Act annual reports of 2011/2, 2012/3, 2013/4, and 2014/5 provided by the Employment Equity Commission. The paper concluded that the country’s mining sector is still dominated by prejudice, stereotypes, and discriminatory practices based on gender orientation. As a result, the participation of women in this sector is still minimal. The paper makes recommendations on innovative practices adopted by other countries in the retention and attraction of women into the gendered sectorenAffirmative actionGender disparitiesMining sectorTrend analysis on gender disparities in Namibia's mining sector: Evidence from the Affirmative Action reports of 2011-2015Article