Kapolo, Frieda L.N.2022-10-112022-10-112022http://hdl.handle.net/11070/3280A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Management Strategy)Technology integration in public secondary schools is a challenge to many Namibian schools. Principals’ leadership styles play a key role in changing the way teachers and learners use the internet, integrate technology in education as well as communicate through the internet. It is against this background that the purpose of this study was to analyse the impact of the secondary school principals’ leadership styles on technology integration in the Oshana region of Namibia. The research strives to identify the leadership styles that were used by public secondary school principals in the Oshana region. The researcher applied the qualitative research method and the data was collected using an interview guide. This study used 14 public secondary school principals from the population of 24 public secondary schools. The results indicate that different leadership styles were used by the principals depending on the situation’s demands, and it has also been found that the applied leadership styles had a significant role to play in the integration of technology in schools. It is important that the MoEAC, schools, principals and teachers take the findings of this study into consideration and implement the strategies that would contribute to the effectiveness of technology integration in schools.enTechnology integrationLeadership stylesPublic secondary schoolsPrincipalsAn analysis of the impact of public secondary school principals’ leadership style on technology integration in the Oshana region of NamibiaThesis