Amukugo, Hans J.Amakali, KristofinaSipa, Kristofina T.2016-02-102016-02-102015Amukugo, H.J., Amakali, K., & Sipa, K. (2015). Perceptions of health workers regarding the occupational health services rendered at Onandjokwe hospital, Namibia. Journal of Hospital Administration, 4(6), 1-13. Health care workers are exposed to a variety of health hazards in their daily work. This exposure puts them at risk of acquiring occupational related diseases, including psychological stress, which can lead to mental illness, absenteeism and job dissatisfaction. In view of the potential risks and occupational hazard, a comprehensive health and safety programme for all employees is mandatory to minimize injury among the employees and therefore for the institution to fully harness the potential of its employees. The programme should indicate management goals, objectives and policy implementation, as well as responsibility and accountability for each role player. The aim of this study was to determine the challenges facing health workers regarding the occupational health services (OHS) at Onandjokwe Hospital in Northern Namibia. The objectives of the study were to determine the existing situation relating to the OHS rendered at Onandjokwe Hospital and to explore and describe the perceptions of health workers regarding OHS at the hospital. Methods: The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methodology that included the use of a checklist for collection of quantitative data on evidences of practice of OHS in different departments of the hospital; interviews and focus group discussions for collection of the data on the workers’ perception on OHS in the hospital. Epi-info software version 3.5.1 was used to analyses the quantitative data while Tech’s method of qualitative analysis was used for the qualitative data. Results: The study revealed that the provision of OHS in the hospital was extremely limited. Many key documents guiding the provision of effective OHS were found to be lacking in several hospital departments. Limited training had been conducted and as a result, there was low awareness on OHS among the employees in the hospital. Both management and staff cited lack of key personnel to drive the process as an important impediment to strengthening OHS in the hospital. Conclusions: The main recommendations that arose from the research include the need for the hospital management to comply with the guidelines on Occupational health, acquire and avail key guiding documents for occupational health practice in all the departments; provision of necessary resources for OHS including OHS staff and implementation of OHS programme to safeguard the health of the employees.enOccupational safetyOccupational health servicesEmployerEmployeeHealth workersPerceptions of health workers regarding the occupational health services rendered at Onandjokwe hospital, NamibiaArticle