Iiyambo, David S.2018-03-082018-03-082017Iiyambo, D.S.I. (2017). Analysis of the basic Ross-MacDonald malaria model parameters. International Science & Technology Journal of Namibia, 10, 158-171.http://hdl.handle.net/11070/2197We consider a basic finite dimensional Ross-Macdonald malaria mathematical model on interaction of the infected humans and the infected mosquitoes. We study this system for consistence of the equations to the real biomedical situation that they model. Local and global well-posedness of the system is proven and the analysis of the equilibrium points is carried out. Numerical analysis show that mathematical analysis is very powerful for understanding such systems.enWell-posednessMalariaEquilibriumAnalysis of the basic Ross-MacDonald Malaria model parametersArticle