Smith, Jennifer L.Auala, Joyce R.Tambo, MunyaradziHaindongo, Erastus H.Katokele, StarkUusiku, PetrinaGosling, RolyKleinschmidt, ImmoMumbengegwi, Davis R.Sturrock, Hugh J.2019-02-252019-02-252017Smith, J.L., Auala, J., Tambo, M., et al. (2017). Spatial clustering of patent and sub-patent malaria infections in northern Namibia: Implications for surveillance and response strategies for elimination. PLoS ONE, 12(8), 1-13. case detection (RACD) around passively detected malaria cases is a strategy to identify and treat hotspots of malaria transmission. This study investigated the unproven assumption on which this approach is based, that in low transmission settings, infections cluster over small scales.enMalariaSpatial clustering of patent and sub-patent malaria infections in northern Namibia: Implications for surveillance and response strategies for eliminationArticle