Grynberg, RomanNyambe, Jacob M.Singopo, Fwasa2020-10-012020-10-012019Grynberg, R., Nyambe, J., & Singopo, F. (2019). Trade and smuggling of African gold to UAE: The cases of Libya and Sudan. ATDF Journal, 9(3), 28-44. paper examines the trade in gold from two African countries, Libya and Sudan which are according to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) import figures, the two largest gold exporters to the UAE from the African conAnent. In the case of the former almost no gold is mined in Libya and yet it is reported to have exported 81 tonnes in 2016 and Sudan which is the second or third largest gold producer on the conAnent, reportedly exports gold to the UAE, based on 2016 prices at the lowest price of any African gold exporAng country. The paper also considers the role of the UAE in the global gold trade and the need for improved compliance with minimum standards to assure that conflict gold does not find a ready market in Dubai.enGoldSmugglingTrade and smuggling of African gold to UAE: The cases of Libya and SudanArticle