Benjamin, Eveline2015-06-022015-06-022004 thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of EducationThe purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of English as a medium of instruction on learners academic performance. The study attempted to find out factors that might hinder the performance of learners. Ella du Plessis and Shikongo Iipinge Secondary schools were selected for the case study Learners questionnaire, teachers interviews and observations were used by the researcher to collect data. 80 learners completed the questionnaire and 12 teachers were interviewed. The data were analyzed by means of frequency tables and direct quotes from the interview were provided. The findings of the study indicated that various factors affect learners’ academic performance. Some of these factors are: -Learners do not understand English concepts. -Some textbooks are difficult to read and understand. -In most cases, learners are rote learning. -Failure to understand questions posed as well as instructions given. The study concludes that the academic performance of learners is influenced negatively and slightly positively by English as a medium of instruction. The study recommends that it is imperative that the Ministry of Basic Education Sport and Culture, teachers and learners to take note of the recommendations made in order to improve the status of English as a medium of instruction in NamibiaenEnglishAcademic performanceElla du PlessisSHikongo IipingeA case study on the influence of English as a medium of instruction on learners academic performance at Ella Du Plessis Secondary School and Shikongo Iipinge Senior Secondary SchoolThesis