Samuel, Estevao2016-02-112016-02-112004 as partial fulfilment of the Degree of Master of TheologyIn this study we address the crisis of AIDS as it continues to be a great challenge to Christians everywhere. How should we think, speak, and act as Christians, after you have discovered that your spouse, or your child, or a brother or sister or father or mother is infected with HIV? What difference should my faith make in the midst of such a sad situation? What goal should the Church have in times of HIV/AIDS? Why being involved as the Church in HIV/AIDS? If being involved what will be the specific contributions of the Church? More specifically, what should we do as the Church in times of AIDS? Many Churches and people of other faiths have responded constructively and with profound compassion to the HIV/AIDS crisis. Studies have been undertaken, religious leaders have issued pastoral letters, diaconal programs have been organised, and hospital chaplaincies have been expanded. However, traditionally, talking about sexuality has to a large extent been taboo and statements issued by African Churches are carefully formulated to avoid meaningful discussion on human sexuality. From such a background, we shall maintain that the Church need to consider a range of approaches appropriate to the situations of different individuals, a changing morality, rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, the influence of African or Western culture, the liberal or traditional attitudes towards sex in villages, towns and cities, the influence of alcohol and drugs as contributing factors for daily HIV infections, as well as the use of soldiers and mercenaries, who raped many women and girls in many countries that are experiencing civil wars. The study will conclude by maintaining that Christian faith is a faith in a God who loves life. God became human so that human beings may have life in its fullness. There is little doubt that in the AIDS situation today, God would be on the side of life. God would not necessary demand immediate moral perfection from people, who, for various reasons, cannot yet measure to that ideal. To put it differently, the Word of God raises the possibility of making use of objects to our disposal in the search towards solutions. Therefore, let us light our lamps and take our brooms (Luke 15: 8-10) and go into the world in the search to find answers to the question, which of the possible courses of action best expresses the best way of being ‘a Christ’ in times of AIDS? The answer to this question in the words of Bonhoeffer is that the Church “is only the Church when it exists for others.”enHIV/AIDSEthical theologicalBiblical perspectiveThe challenge of HIV and AIDS to the church from ethical-theological and biblical perspectivesThesis