Chinsembu, Kazhila C.2016-07-142016-07-142015Chinsembu, K.C. (2015). Bioprospecting for ‘green diamonds’: Medicinal plants used in the management of HIV/AIDS-related conditions. In K.C. Chinsembu, A. Cheikhyoussef, & D, Mumbengegwi (Eds.), Indigenous Knowledge of Namibia (pp. 9-40). Windhoek: Unam Press. believe that while scientific research is necessary to improve the way in which our natural resources are exploited … our people must not be completely disowned … of resources that they have possessed for generations. It will be a sad day when the medicinal formulas of devil’s claw are patented by big pharmaceutical companies and thereby become depleted and unavailable to the natural owners of the resource. (His Excellency Dr Sam Nujoma, Founding President of Namibia at a symposium on devil’s claw, as reported by Wickham, 2001.)enBioprospectingGreen diamondsMedicinal plantsHIV/AIDSBioprospecting for ‘green diamonds’: Medicinal plants used in the management of HIV/AIDS-related conditionsBook chapter