Di Felice, ElisabettaPinoni, ChiaraKhaiseb, S.Camma, CesareDondona, Andrea CapobiancoPolci, AndreaMolini, UmbertoMonaco, Federica2020-10-152020-10-152020Di Felice, E., et al. (2020). Complete coding sequences of lumpy skin disease virus strains isolated from cutaneous lesions in Namibian cattle during 2016 outbreaks. America Society for Microbiology, 9(28), 1-3.http://hdl.handle.net/11070/2900Between September and October 2016, an outbreak of lumpy skin disease (LSD) was monitored in the Okakarara veterinary district of Namibia. The complete coding sequences were obtained for LSD virus isolates from skin nodules from two symptomatic animals.enLumpy skin diseaseCutaneous lesionsComplete coding sequences of lumpy skin disease virus strains isolated from cutaneous lesions in Namibian cattle during 2016 outbreaksArticle