Mukelabai, Robert Lusungo2018-05-272018-05-272018 thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (Educational Technology)This study investigated the effects of Project-Based Learning (PBL) for Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) algebra in selected senior secondary schools in Kavango West region. The study employed a quantitative approach. Furthermore, a quasi-experimental non-equivalent (pre-test - post-test) control research design was used to collect data from one school for two weeks. A sample of 80 learners was randomly selected from the poorest performing school (school E) and from the class lists of all Grade 11 learners. From this sample, 11 A, of 40 learners belonged to a control group and the other class, 11 D, belonged to the experimental group. Furthermore, lessons on algebra were conducted for two weeks for both groups (experimental and control). The experimental group learners were presented with real-life activities such as working on a project (designing a budget), outdoor practices such as field trips, small-group interactions, group work activities, simulations activities and watching videos, to enable them to learn algebra in a more project-based learning setting. In addition, the learners had an opportunity to interview people in their communities and do a research, with the use of internet and reading books, newspaper and other educational journals. The control group was taught the same lessons but using a different teaching strategy; chalk and talk, question and answer, lectures, as well as whole class discussions. The groups were given a pre-test on the first day and a post-test on the last day of the lessons. The non-equivalent (pre-test-post-test) scores were used to establish the cause and effect relationship between the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and learners’ performance on the topic of algebra. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data from the pre-test and post-test scores and a t-test analysis was conducted for both. The mean results indicated that the post-test scores for the experimental group (17.085714) were higher than the post-test scores from the control group (13.314286). Both the experimental and control groups had similar mean scores in the pre-test prior to the intervention. In addition, no significance difference (tcalculated < tcritical) was found between the experimental and control group. This indication suggests that the two groups were equivalent before the intervention. After the intervention, the experimental group had outdone the control group in the post-test. The test was used to test for the significance difference in performance between the two groups, found a significance difference (tcalculated > tcritical) in the algebra post-test performance of the experimental and control group at 99% confidence level. The findings suggested that project-based learning improved learners’ performance in algebra. Therefore, the recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. Mathematics teachers to be encouraged to use PBL approach when teaching algebra topics i.e. linear equations, quadratic equations, factorisation and inequalities. In addition, teachers should be encouraged to use practical examples that are associated to real life situation. Finally, the study recommends that, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture in collaborations with National Institute for Educational Development, should improve the capacity of the teachers to plan and execute projects.enProject based learningAlgebra, Study and teaching (Secondary)LearningEducation, Secondary, NamibiaProject-based learning for Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate ordinary Algebra in selected senior secondary schools in Kavango West region in NamibiaThesis