Musiake, Rita2022-04-262022-04-262021 thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (Security and Strategic Studies)This study aimed to establish the impact of stress on members of the Namibian Police Force. The specific objectives of this study were to assess stress awareness levels of the members of the Namibian Police Force working at Katima Mulilo Police Station (KMPS); to explore the causes of stress among the members of the Namibian Police Force working at KMPS; to determine the effects of stress on the performance and well-being of the members of the Namibian Police Force working in KMPS, and to suggest strategies on how to reduce the level of stress among members of the Namibian Police Force working at KMPS. To achieve the above objectives, this study adopted a quantitative research approach. Data was collected from a sample of 90 police officers who were selected randomly. This study found that police officers at KMPS have a high level of awareness regarding the symptoms, causes and effects of stress on employee performance and well-being; stress among police officers is caused by poor remuneration, the traumatic nature of work done by police officers, working alone on night shifts, work overload, risky work environment, autocratic leadership style, biased promotion of police officers, and shortage of police officers which deprives existing police officers of their free time. Additionally, this study found that stress among police officers leads to the creation of a toxic work environment, decreases employee productivity, promotes employee absenteeism, makes employees sickly and makes police officers adopt irrational behaviours such as excessive drinking and smoking. This study recommends the recruitment of more police officers, an increase in remuneration of police officers and the introduction of regular counselling sessions for police officers.enStressPolice forceAn investigation into the impact of stress on the members of the Namibian Police: A case study of police officers at Katima Mulilo Police StationThesis