Shikomba, Aune M.2022-01-242022-01-242020 thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (Adult Education)This study explores social grant factors that influence the living standards of the old aged people. It focuses on finding out whether the helping hand o_f social grants brought some changes on the living standards of the old aged people and further identifies possible solutions to improve the standard of living of the old aged people of Omagongati village in Oshana Region. The research is also embedded within the Sustainable Livelihoods framework (SLF) by Scoones (1998). The study adopts the qualitative methodology and utilizes the phenomenological design to outline the effects of social grant to the living standards of each participant. To garner the relevant data f or the study, in-depth interviews were conducted on the beneficiaries of old age social grant. The samples of twelve old aged people (participants) were purposively selected using a non-probability sampling technique to gauge the effects of social grant from the population of old aged people in Omagongati village, Oshana Region. The information of the study was recorded in the interview forms, audio taped and presented by focusing on each participant 's viewpoints. The study establishes that the old age grant is contributing to the provision o.f nutritional food, health services and payments of educational services for their grandchildren staying with them. The study also reveals that social grants are used to engage in internal saving schemes and petty income generating projects. The study further unveils that the old age grant is insufficient to meet the needs of people; some have the vulnerable grandchildren and the people living with HIV and AIDS in the family who require more cares. Finally, this study offers some recommendations for different agencies especially the social policy makers and implementer s to revisit the scheme in order to guarantee that old aged people in Namibia have sufficiency finds for survival and capable o.f looking after their families.enLiving standardsSocial grantsTransforming the living standards of the old aged people of Namibia through social grants: A case of Omagongati village, Oshana regionThesis