Nakwaya, Dietlinde N.2014-02-072014-02-072009 thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of ScienceThe black mongoose (Galerella nigrata) (Carnivora: Herpestidae) is a diurnal predator that favours rocky habitats. It is endemic to southwest Africa. Due to its elusive behaviour, the ecology of black mongoose has not been studied and only little ecological information is documented about this species. The general objective of this study was to determine the diet of the black mongoose from Erongo, north central and Hobatere in north-west Namibia through faecal analysis. Seventy one and 76 scats of black mongoose were collected from Hobatere and Erongo, respectivelyVicker dissecting microscope. Based on faecal analysis, insecta was the principal food item in the diet of black mongoose (91.5 at Hobatere and 78.9 at Erongo). This study, therefore, suggests that the black mongoose is predominantly insectivorous but, also fed on small mammals, reptiles and birds. The results of the present study further revealed that the diet of the black mongoose varied between the two study sites. A chi square test revealed a highly significant difference in the percentage occurrence of the main prey categories occurred in the diet of the black mongoose at Hobatere and Erongo; ?92 = 323.00, P = 0.000; n = 10. Factors such as the dissimilarity in the composition of plants, the difference in prey composition at the study sites may have contributed to the variation in the diet. Orthoptera was the most prevalent prey while Isoptera was the least.x, 108 pengMongoosesThe diet of the black mongoose (Galerella Nigrata)(Carnivora: Herpestidae) in North-West (Hobatere Concession) and North-Central(Erongo Conservancy, NamibiaThesisF004-199299999999999