Maree, Maretha2014-02-252014-02-251998Maree, M. 1998. Prevention Activities on Sustance Abuse in Namibian Secondary Schools: 42nd International Institute on The Prevention and Treatment of Dependencies; 30-4 Aug 1998; Malta; University of Namibia: 1-6. is part of the African Continent and is situated in the South Western part of Africa. 20% of the total surface of our country is taken up by the Namib Desert. We have a population of l.S million people. 32% of the population lives in urban and 63% in rural areas. There are 1 1 cultural groups, of which the Ovambo's are the biggest (49%). Teenagers-Against-Drug-Abuse (TADA) can be described as a primary prevention programme aimed at Secondary school learners, ages 13 to 21 years. This programme started in 1992 in one of the secondary schools in Windhoek and has developed into a country wide project, involving 25 schools, 10 of which are situated in the rural areas.enTeenagersPreventionOvambo'sAbuseSubstanceNamibiaPrevention activities on substance abuse in Namibian secondary schoolsPresentation