Theron, Yolandy Elana2023-10-272023-10-272023 thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of education in leadership, management and policy studiesSome of the difficulties in achieving educational goals and improving the quality of education have been to ensure that teachers are well equipped (MOEC, 2000). Although the Minister of Education has made recommendations for the development and implementation of induction programmes for novice teachers, Nghaamwa (2017) reports that most schools in Namibia tend to neglect the induction of novice teachers. Novice teachers can face many challenges such as student behaviour, no personal or professional support and social relationships. Novice teachers therefore, need to undergo an induction programme when they get employed at a specific school as a way to provide them with the necessary assistance in acquiring the skills and knowledge needed for the execution of their required teaching duties. Muyumbano (2019) points out that principals have observed that novice teachers experience problems with disciplining learners, with administration and also teaching methodology. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the perceptions of school principals and teachers on the challenges faced by novice teachers in selected primary schools in the Oshakati Circuit, Oshana Region. The research design for this study is a case study design and the researcher used a qualitative approach. The researcher used an interview guide and a document analysis guide as instruments to collect data. The total population of the study was fourteen (14) principals and two hundred and two (202) teachers. Two novice teachers were chosen from each of the two selected primary schools using criterion purposive sampling, and they comprised of novice teachers that are in their first or second year of teaching. The two schools were randomly selected from the five primary schools in Oshakati Circuit. Random sampling was also used to select the teachers from each school. The school principal and two teachers from the selected schools were ii included in the study. The total sample for this study was composed of two principals, four novice teachers and four teachers. Data from the semi-structured interviews and document analysis were analysed using content analysis. Findings from the study reported that novice teachers in the Oshakati circuit in Oshana region, Namibia, face challenges such as concerns with learners, the teaching and learning process, lack of communication and lack of support. The study therefore recommends that pre-service training institutions and schools should play a significant role in supporting novice teachers in overcoming these challenges. It is the duty of training institutions to establish a balance between theory and practice. Furthermore, the school management needs to provide orientation and induction to all novice teachers, and both management and colleagues should provide support and assistance to all novice teachers until they have been completely integrated into the school and teaching environmentenNovice teachersChallengesInductionTeachingManagementSupportPerceptions of school principals and teachers on the challenges faced by novice teachers in selected primary schools in Oshana region, NamibiaThesis