Suresh, Nalina2016-05-232016-05-232016 dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Science (Computer Science)The development of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) infrastructure and distribution of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to all components of societies are of significant importance to leverage a faster socio-economic development in Africa. The continuous technological changes have influenced service delivery in various sectors. The emergence of new technologies within the education sector has prompted for a review of the way research is conducted among NRENs. Developed countries NRENs were adopting Cloud computing technology, which had been consequently motivating the research in developed countries on related technologies by both the industry and the academia. These new technologies assist in accessing information and have the power to transform the teaching, learning and research paradigm. The flexibility of pay-as-you-go combined with an on-demand scalable model is changing the NREN computing and driving them to adopt Cloud technology. Notwithstanding its benefits, the transition to this computing paradigm raised serious security concerns, which were the subject of several studies. The new concepts that Cloud computing introduced, such as multi-tenancy, resource sharing, Virtualization and outsourcing, created new challenges for the security community. Other challenges playing a major role in slowing down and impacting its acceptance included poor resources such as internet connectivity, lack of technologies, lack of human resources, funding and economic reasons. Although security concerns form the biggest challenge, problems associated with availability, performance, cost, interoperability and regulatory issues come very close to security issues as the perceived set of challenges associated with Cloud adoption. This study took an in-depth look at the current state of SADC NRENs and found that little had been explored in developing countries particularly in SADC region. Alternatively, there was no clear strategy, guidelines nor reference architecture/framework to enhance Cloud computing within NRENs in SADC. Furthermore, it was found that lack of political support for Cloud initiatives, stringent regulations (for instance on data crossing the borders), issues with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and security infrastructure to mention a few were the factors hindering the adoption of Cloud technology by NRENs. A survey study in the form of an exploratory quantitative research design was used. On the other hand, a descriptive non-experimental quantitative approach was chosen and a survey was conducted through the use of questionnaires. This was supported by document review on current emerging Cloud techniques. Close to fifty (50) participants from Eight (8) SADC NREN member countries that formed their NRENs was engaged in this study. There is no doubt that NRENS in the region are not effectively utilizing Cloud based technology. However, this study proposed some modern Cloud based approaches that could be adopted. Further, an explanation on how NRENs could be consolidated on a common Cloud platform was also provided. The research sample size of fifty (50) participants from Eight (8) SADC countries, who have formed their NRENs were engaged. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 21 (Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences). A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Data analysis was initiated with a check of the outliers, missing data and normality through correlation values that could affect relations between variables. In view of the above, NRENs Cloud Architecture Framework, which in this study is abbreviated as NRENs-CAF, was conceived to design a Cloud based architecture framework for NRENs in SADC region. An overview of existing NRENs in both developed and developing country was reviewed. The main objective of this study was to design an NRENs-CAF that would envision the transition of every NREN into Cloud based system and make them interoperable with each other. The study also aimed to harness Cloud technology in such a way that it facilitated research in tertiary institutions and enhance the collaboration among SADC NRENs. The NRENs-CAF intended to design a framework with new components to support Cloud connectivity and service delivery. Overall, the NRENs-CAF was proposed to build and deliver highly interconnected and high performance networks for Universities and other Educational and Research Institutions more specifically among SADC that enable them to share educational resources and collaborate within and globally.enCloud connectivityNRENs cloud architectureComputer network architecturesNRENs cloud architecture framework (NRENs-CAF): Enhancing cloud connectivity among national research education networks in SADCThesis