Unengu, Viola K.2015-05-112015-05-112015http://hdl.handle.net/11070/1442A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business AdministrationThe aim of this study was to analyse the implementation of affirmative action policies in Namibia. The study adopted a mixed research design which incorporated both elements of quantitative and qualitative research designs. The quantitative approach method involved the use of a structured questionnaire which was distributed among the employees at the Ministry of Justice. A coded questionnaire was used which enabled ranking of qualitative responses into numerical responses. The qualitative approach involved literature review of empirical studies on affirmative action. Qualitative data was gathered through literature review and the findings from primary research were compared with the findings from secondary research. Qualitative data were also gathered through open ended questions on the questionnaire. The findings from the study suggests that there are numerous challenges in implementing affirmative action in Namibia. The overall implementation of affirmative action programmes has been below satisfactory levels. Not much has been achieved in terms of representation of the previously disadvantaged in management position. However considerable progress has been made through affirmative action and this has resulted in better representation of women in management positions.enAffirmative actionNamibiaMinistry of JusticeAffirmative action programs, NamibiaPublic administration, NamibiaAn analysis of the implementation of affirmative action policies in Namibia: a case study of the Ministry of JusticeThesis