Bonifatius, Secilia M.2022-04-262022-04-262021 research thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (Inclusive Education)The introduction of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in the 21st century has transformed education processes in inclusive classes, including the role of teachers and learners of the 21st century. Subsequently, the academic achievement of learners in inclusive classes was enhanced/improved. Following this global development, Namibia has adopted the ICT Policy for Education (1999) with the objective to foster appropriate development, efficient delivery and quality utilisation of technology in order to ensure ICT integration for excellence and equity in the education system. The purpose of this research study was to assess the use of Information Communication Technologies in inclusive classes at two schools in the Oshana Region of Namibia. The study, furthermore, investigated ICT-related challenges faced by teachers in teaching learners in inclusive classes, and identified solutions which can be put in place to overcome the challenges. This research study adopted a qualitative methodology and employed semi-structured interviews and observations as the main data soliciting tools. The researcher, furthermore, employed a purposive sampling method, where respondents were selected based on their experiences in teaching children with special needs. The content analysis method was employed to capture meaning from the data. Findings indicate that ICTs can be used as evaluative and assistive devices for learners in inclusive classes. The study further reveals that teachers failed to integrate ICTs successfully in their inclusive classes due to challenges, such as a lack of technical support, training of teachers on the utilisation of ICTs and pedagogical knowledge, as well as insufficient ICT gadgets and the inability of teachers to integrate ICTs. Lastly, the study advocates for the training teachers in employing ICTs, arranging regular workshops to keep teachers abreast of technological advancements, as well as providing technical support and adequate ICT gadgets to schools. A consistent supply of electricity in the schools and a supportive infrastructure, among others, are possible solutions to challenges that inhibit the successful integration of ICTs in inclusive classes.enInclusive classesInformation communication technologyAssessing the utilization of information and communication technologies in inclusive classes in the Oshana region of NamibiaThesis