Haihambo, Daniel H2021-11-302021-11-302021http://hdl.handle.net/11070/3075In a previous study, using a molecular approach, we reported the presence of P. vivax in Namibia. Here, we have extended our investigation to the Dufy antigen genetic profle of individuals of the same cohort with and without Plasmodium infections. Methods: Participants with P. vivax (n=3), P. falciparum (n=23) mono-infections and co-infections of P. vivax/P. falciparum (n=4), and P. falciparum/P. ovale (n=3) were selected from seven regions. Participants with similar age but without any Plasmodium infections (n=47) were also selected from all the regions. Dufy allelic profle was examined using standard PCR followed by sequencing of amplifed products. Sequenced samples were also examined for the presence or absence of G125A mutation in codon 42, exon 2. Results: All individuals tested carried the − 67 T>C mutation. However, while all P. vivax infected participants carried the c.G125A mutation, 7/28 P. falciparum infected participants and 9/41 of uninfected participants did not have the c.G125A mutation. The exon 2 region surrounding codon 42, had a c.136G>A mutation that was present in all P. vivax infections. The odds ratio for lack of this mutation with P. vivax infections was (OR 0.015, 95% CI 0.001–0.176;p=0.001). Conclusion: We conclude that P. vivax infections previously reported in Namibia, occurred in Dufy negative participants, carrying the G125A mutation in codon 42. The role of the additional mutation c.136 G>A in exon 2 in P. vivax infections, will require further investigations.enDufy gene mutationsNamibiaPlasmodium vivaxChildren with Plasmodium vivax infection previously observed in Namibia, were Dufy negative and carried a c.136G>A mutationArticle