Jankowski, Theo2014-02-072014-02-072002http://hdl.handle.net/11070/238A research paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of public policy and administration (MPPA)Prior to and after independence until 1998, educational decentralization in Namibia was characterized by informal changes and not accompanied by legislation. The National Decentralization Policy was launched in 1998 and laws to this effect were enacted subsequently. This study specifically analyzes the design stage of the process. It further determines the primary criteria for decentralization and investigates impediments to the implementation of educational decentralization in Namibia. In conclusion the study found that a well designed policy for administrative decentralization is in place which is of paramount importance for successful implementation. However, with many stumbling blocks in the way and with much rhetoric but no action, the whole process urgently needs a serious kickstartxi, 76 pengEducational policyEducationDecentralizationDecentralization of basic education in NamibiaThesis