Knowledge and attitude of patients in relation to the primarry health care services provided by nurse at Okuryanagava Health Centre

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The purpose of this study was to assess and determine the knowledge levels and attitude of patient with regards to the health services provided by nurses at Okuryangava heath centre. The study employed a quantitative and descriptive study design, on a convenient sample of 80 patients from the average number of patients (100) that visit the Okuryanava health centre using a simple random sampling method. Data was collected using a structured questionnaires during the month of October 2017. Data was analyzed using a computer software package, statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 22. This was done after permission was granted from the University Of Namibia, the Ministry of Health and Social Services and informed consent was obtained from the participants. The study concluded that a significant number patients have high level of knowledge on different services provided e.g. family planning, immunization against major infectious diseases is provided etc. and their importance. As a result, the researcher recommendations focused on the need of Policies, guidelines, enough booklets/leaflets and pamphlets/posters regarding all available health services at facility, importance of essential services such as Pap smear, family planning, immunization etc. as this will bridge the knowledge gap. And regular evaluations, continuous supervisions and reassessing of community awareness programs and community knowledge levels to identify areas that need reinforcement or further health education.
Primary health care, Knowledge, Attitude
Ndanyengwa, T.R., & Amukugo, H.J. (2018). Knowledge and attitude of patients in relation to the primarry health care services provided by nurse at Okuryanagava Health Centre. International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 2(3), 123-146.