The need for research in Mathematics education in Namibia

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University of Namibia
A number of definitions of the term 'research' abound. Hitchcock & Hughes, (1995, p.S) define research to 'systematic inquiry'. This inquiry is characterized by sets of principles, guidelines for procedures and is subject to evaluation in terms of criteria such as validity, reliability and representativeness. According to Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2000, p.3 ), "research is concerned with understanding the world" (in which we live) and "is informed by how we view our world(s), what we take LUlderstanding to be and what we see as the purposes of understanding". It should be pointed out further that research might be viewed as a science requiring logical steps to achieve the goal or as a subject of study whereby individuals teach, the concepts related to research as a subject in its own right. That is as a product or the process or as a subject.
Research, Mathematics, Education, Namibia
Kapenda, H. M. 2008. Paper Presented at The Conference on Proffessional Developement of Namibian Science Teachers for Cultural Sustainability, Held at The UNAM Northern Campus; 23-25/JAN /2008. University of Namibia. UNAM..