Education in Namibia: A collection of essays

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This study is a case study of Continuous Assessment and External Examiners'.reports in two universities in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The paper defines the term Continuous Assessment. The first part of the presentation then examines the conduct of Continuous Assessment at the two universities under study. The concerns in Continuous Assessment addressed are: Number of ContinuousAssessment test/assignments to be given per course; Absenteeism/ late/ non-submission of tests or assignments; Security of tests/assignments for continuous assessment; and Plagiarism. Advantages and disadvantages of Continuous Assessment schemes are briefly discussed. The second part of the paper examines the roles of External Examiners at the two Universities. The findings presented indicate that basically external examiners' roles revolve around five verbs. They do one or more of the following: expose; impose; suppose; endorse and propose. The paper concludes by affirming the power of examination. Examinations are here to stay.
Education, Collection, Examination, Tertiaty level, External, Southern African, Development
Mostert, L., Kasanda, C. D. 1998. Education in Namibia: ACollection of Essays: Cape Town.