Effects of feeding maize-soybean meal based diets with a tanniniferous additive (A. karroo leaf meal) to broiler chickens
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University of Namibia
The objective of the present study was to
investigate the effects of feeding maize-soybean meal based diets with a tanniferous
additive (A. karroo leaf meal) mainly on the fat deposition of broiler chickens under
Namibian environmental conditions.treatments were imposed on the finisher stage of maturity. Therefore,
research is recommended to test the treatment from day old chickens. Repeated feeding trials on a larger scale is recommended before A. karroo can be safely used by feed manufacturers. The same research should be done with different broiler breeds (indigenous chickens)
A poster Presented at a UNAM Research Day. A product of National Research Foundation: Namibia (University of Namibia)/South Africa (University of Fort Hare) Joint Research
Broiler chickens, karroo leaf meal, Tanniniferous additive, Maize-soybean meal, Feeding