Needs assessment for colleges of education in Namibia

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Kasanda, Choshi D.
Kapenda, Hileni M.
Nicol-Wilson, R.E.
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University of Namibia
There is a need to enable the four Colleges of education in Namibia to carry out their stated mandate to prepare effective teachers for the primary and junior secondary phases in our education system. Quality teacher training can only take place in an environment where management, academic and no-academic staff work together as a team and cooperate in all aspects related to their mandates. Educational institutions need to be managed as a business venture if stated goals are to be achieved. Management maybe defined as, " ... the process of setting objectives and coordinating the efforts of personnel in order to attain them''(Hodgetts, 1985, 4). Accordingly educational managers should ensure that " ... individuals can work together towards the achievement of stated goals" (Kroon, 1998, 3) in their institutions. Therefore, a conducive environment must exist, if individuals have to give of their best. Such an environment requires that management cadres display a variety of skills in several areas related to making their institutions effecf1ve and eff1cient. In carrying out these management tasks, managers may use one or a combination of the following management styles; autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. It should be indicated that often the management style adopted by an institutional manager may depend on the type of workers s/he has.
Assessment, Primary, Teacher, Management, Skills, Namibia
Kasanda, C. D. and others. 2009. Needs Assessment for Colleges of Education in Namibia. Namibia: University of Namibia.