Customer satisfaction level among online banking customers of First National Bank Namibia (FNB)

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Technological advancements have led to conception of new services for the benefit of customer, with online banking being one of such services. The online banking services have been introduced by banks to assist the customers in availing host of banking services comfortably, from any location and without any problems. However, the customer perceptions and attitudes with respect to the adoption of new technologies determine their satisfaction levels. Therefore, the present research was aimed at investigating the customer views regarding satisfaction level towards online banking. The study was conducted among customers (n=30) of FNB Namibia whom use online banking. The main objectives of the study were, to analyse the factors influencing customer’s adoption to online banking in Namibia, to identify the factors limiting the use of online banking by Namibians and to determine the factors that impact customer’s satisfaction level in online banking. In this study the researcher used qualitative research methodology, primary data was used due to the nature of the variable to be generated and the type of population characteristics, there were questionnaires to be answered by the respondents which was based on the research objectives. The study concludes that online banking services at FNB Namibia has a positive impact on customer satisfaction level, as it offers quality services to the benefit of the customers such as convenience, time saving, efficiency, speed and round-the clock availability of online banking services. Namibia, as a country, also stands to benefit from increased online banking usage by virtue of the improved financial inclusion in the economy as regards ease of access, availability and, usage of the formal financial system.
Online banking, Customer satisfaction level
Unengu, V.K., Maseke, B. & De Menezes, J.K. (2022). Customer satisfaction level among online banking customers of First National Bank Namibia (FNB). International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 9(2), 453-466.