Teachers’ experiences and roles of the revised biology curriculum: A case of selected secondary schools in Ompundja circuit, Oshana region, Namibia

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University of Namibia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and roles of Namibian teachers on the implementation of the Biology revised curriculum in the Ompundja circuit, Oshana Region. The study employed a qualitative – case study design where fifteen (15) Biology teachers from Ompundja circuit, in the Oshana Region were selected from the five (5) Secondary schools by means of the purposive sampling strategy and a semi structured face-face interviews to collect the data that was analysed thematically. The study established that teachers experience inadequate resources, medium of instruction for Biology a challenge, inadequate time for content coverage as well as overcrowded classes. It was also unveiled that Biology Secondary school teachers are the major pillars of curriculum implementation. They are motivators of learners, learners’ assessors, planners for the subject content, and developers of activities and teaching materials, creators of a positive learning environment as well as engagers of learners in extra-mural activities. In essence, they are agents of change and curriculum implementers. Against the above findings, it was recommended that, in order to motivate learners and raise their interest in Biology, schools should take part in awarding of the best teachers and learners to inspire them to learn Biology. Parents should be involved in an education system as educational stakeholders and implements policies that uplift the education system. Specifically, it recommends the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture to revisit the criteria that were used to allocate teaching resources to schools so that the neediest schools are prioritized and the amount of funds to be in and in line with their needs in line with the teaching and implementation of the revised Biology curriculum among others
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of master of education (inclusive education)
Curriculum, Implementation