Out of Action: By Chris Cooks. Johannesburg: 30 Degrees South Publishers 1999; pp 278.
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University of Namibia
Chris Cocks’ (2008) Out of action is the sequel to his (1988) Fireforce – one man’s
war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. In Fireforce the writer narrates his life in the
Rhodesian Light Infantry. In Out of action the twenty-one year old Cocks
explains his double role as civilian and police reservist when he writes: “A few
months before I had been Lance-Corporal Cocks. Now I was Police Reservist Cocks,
attempting to begin a civilian career in agriculture” (Cocks, 2008, p. 24). In reality,
however, there is no distinction between the two roles as a lance-corporal and
police reservist because the Rhodesian police was militarised. In the army Cocks
was a stick leader while in the police he is leader of a Police Anti-Terrorist Unit
(PATU). The PATU was a paramilitary specialist unit in the British South African
Police (BSAP) while a stick was a four to six-man unit or battle group in the
Rhodesian Army. For both units their call was to respond to guerrilla sightings
and engage them in combat.
Chris Cooks, Johannesburg
Makombe, T. (2013). Out of Action: By Chris Cooks. Johannesburg: 30 Degrees South Publishers 1999; pp 278. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2): 185-187.