A model to facilitate male partner involvement in the reproductive health context in Oshikoto region in Namibia

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The overall aim of this study was to develop a model to facilitate male partner involvement in the reproductive health (RH) context in the Oshikoto Region of Namibia. This study was brought about by the fact that male partners do not fully participate in the RH context, because the health system lacks provision for or fails to recognise male involvement and underestimates the active role that male partners could play in the RH of their female partners. As a result some male partners might feel excluded from the process when accompanying their female partner in receiving RH services or feel that they do not benefit from RH services. It would also seem that there is a disparity in RH service delivery in Namibia whereby women and children are the main targets of most available RH programmes and services. In addition, it would seem that health facilities are not user friendly and male partners feel excluded and alienated from them
Namibia is ranked number five in the world in terms of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and males are regarded as the main sources for the spread of this epidemic as well as other reproductive diseases (Jackson, 2002). However, the spread of these diseases can affect mothers, children and the nation as whole. This problem could be alleviated if male partners were supplied with adequate knowledge and skills on RH, which could be obtained by being involved in RH programmes and services. The major questions addressed in the research were the following:What are the perceptions of male partners, female partners and nurses on male partner involvement in the RH context in the Oshikoto Region? What should be done in order to involve male partners in the RH context?How should the male partner be involved in the RH context?
To realise the aim of this research, the following objectives were formulated: Analyse the concept of male partner involvement in the RH context of the Oshikoto Region by exploring and describing the perceptions of male partners, female partners and nurses on this issue.Develop and describe a model to facilitate male partner involvement in the RH context of the Oshikoto Region.Develop guidelines for operationalising such a model. Evaluate the model for facilitating male partner involvement in RH
The aim of this study was to develop and describe a model to facilitate male partner involvement in RH. However, theory development requires empirical dataand, in order to achieve this aim, a theory generative design which is qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual was used. A model was developed according to Chinn and Kramer's (1995) approach to theory generation in the form of four steps:
Reproductive health Namibia, Birth control