A critical evaluation of English-Kwanyama dictionary by G.W.R. Tobias and B.H.C. Turvey

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University of Namibia
This study is based in the field of theoretical lexicography also known as dictionary research. It is significant because it aims at the development of Oshiwambo practical and theoretical lexicography. It evaluates the bilingual English-Kwanyama Dictionary that was published in 1954 by two missionaries who settled at Oukwanyama between 1924 and 1950. The purpose of selecting this dictionary is because there is no other recent and up-to-date Oshikwanyama dictionary available. The latest Oshikwanyama dictionary that was produced in 1977 (Kwanyama-English Dictionary) is currently out of print and unavailable. In this study‘s theoretical framework two salient theories that dominate both practical and theoretical lexicography are employed. The first theory is that of Sven Tarp and Henning Bergenholtz, the Function theory, which deals with dictionary functions as well as the user needs. The second theory is that of Herbert Ernst Wiegand, the Text theory, which deals with the textual structures of dictionaries. While the Function theory is used in this study in identifying the functions and the target users of English-Kwanyama Dictionary, the Text theory is used in analysing the structures (frame structures, macrostructures and microstructures) of English-Kwanyama Dictionary. Furthermore, this study employs a qualitative design in a form of text analysis in studying the structures and contents of English-Kwanyama Dictionary. Systematic sampling with a random start is used in sampling the pages that serve as the heart of the analysis for this study. The sampled pages are then entered in the corpus for focused scrutiny. In analysing the data, systematic dictionary research, which includes functional text segmentation as well as philological methods, is adopted. After critically evaluating the structures and functions of English-Kwanyama Dictionary, this study reveals that some sections in both the macrostructures and microstructures have been presented well, while some have not been well presented, as they obstruct the users in providing answers to their questions. Therefore, suggestions have been made for the improvement of future Oshikwanyama dictionaries. Suggestions are made based on the two theories, the Function theory and the Text theory, on which dictionary features to be included and which to leave out for the dictionary purposes to prevail in future Oshikwanyama dictionaries.
A research thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of master of Arts in Oshiwambo studies
English-Kwanyama dictionary