An exploration of the possible factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Tsumeb, Namibia
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University of Namibia
Domestic violence is a sensitive issue and challenging to discuss. In Namibia, domestic violence is a social issue of major concern, as the country is entrenched in a culture of male domination. At least one out of three women worldwide has reported physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by an intimate partner in her lifetime. The purpose of this study was to explore the possible contributing factors of physical violence to women in Tsumeb, Namibia. The study further examined the prevalence of and factors associated with physical violence against women and explored participants’ personal insights into why domestic violence occurs. A qualitative research approach, using an exploratory research design, was adopted. Furthermore, purposive sampling was utilised to recruit 12 females, 18 years and older, who were victims of domestic violence. Data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews to obtain comprehensive information from the participants. The eight steps of Tesch were followed to analyse the data. The study found that misunderstandings, alcohol, inferiority complex, and extramarital affairs were factors contributing to physical abuse against women. The study further found that the longer the victim prolongs to take action and keeping quiet about it, contributes to the continuation of the abuse. The study also established that victims often do not seek professional help, but rather confide in the family. Based on the findings of the study, it is suggested that the government should be more proactive in strengthening the judicial system. Further, there is a need for continuous awareness and education on domestic violence that can help to curb the scourge thereof. Finally, improving the level of literacy for women and educating men as the perpetrators of domestic violence will go a long way in abating this social ill.
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of arts in social work
Domestic violence, Social issue, Physical violence, Women, Tsumeb