Okongo: Case study of the impact of the liberation struggle in the Ohangwena region
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University of Namibia Press
base at the town was known as ‘Nkongo’) and the ways in which the residents’ daily lives came to be completely changed during the liberation struggle.1 Traumatic memories include cases of interrogation, harassment, violence, deaths, and the climate of fear created by the conflict between South African forces and the Peoples’ Liberation Army of Namibia and the presence of armed combatants from both sides in the community. Okongo is a village situated in Ohangwena, one of the 14 political regions in Namibia. The chapter will give background on how Okongo village was established and how it became a politically active centre where many acts of violence such as executions, landmine explosions, harassment and detentions took place during the liberation struggle (1966-1989). The limited availability of literature on the impact of the war on communities in northern Namibia during the liberation struggle, especially in Ohangwena Region, motivated me to carry out research on this topic. The information to be presented will be largely based on a set of seven interviews that I conducted with local residents and their personal accounts of the events that took place in the area where they lived.
Okongo, Liberation struggle, Ohangwena region
Nampala, L.T. (2015). Okongo: case study of the impact of the liberation struggle in the Ohangwena region. In J. Selvester (Ed.), Re-Viewing Resistance in Namibian History (pp. 207-220). Windhoek: UNAM Press.