A critical analysis of the discourse in reviews with the debut novel Kamphoer by Francois Smith as an example
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University of Namibia
A literary text can be analysed in different ways; this research though wanted to analyse the criticism about a successful debut novel to determine if any meaningful deductions could be made from the discourse of reviewers about a text. The reviews about Kamphoer by Francois Smith were perused to find elements that could provide guidelines to amateur authors to write and publish a debut successfully. Kamphoer was selected because it created a stir in the media. It ran into five editions, was translated into other languages and was awarded by the ATKV as the best work of prose in Afrikaans in 2014. The exposure the novel received in the media combined with the reviews, resulted in adequate material to select from for this research. Because different individuals’ interpretation and evaluation on a specific text were analysed, the qualitative research method was used as this method is suitable in a study that does not rest on objective statements. The theoretical framework was compiled, using the principles of discourse, hermeneutical and reception theories. These three theories were applied to juxtapose, compare and analyse the different reader’s opinions of Kamphoer according to their interpretation and evaluation. In conclusion it was found that relevant deductions could be made by analyzing the criticism on the novel. These deductions can be used as a guide for aspirant authors.
'N tesis ingedien ter gedeeltelike voldoening ann die vereistes vir die Graad Magister in die Littere (Afrikaans)