Exploring time-travel in children’s literature: The case study of when you dance with the crocodile by Erna Muller and crusade in jeans by Thea Beckman
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University of Namibia
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of the novels When you Dance with
the Crocodile (2012) by Erna Muller and Crusade in Jeans (1973) by Thea
Beckman. The two novels were purposefully selected because they primarily
characterise children or young people as protagonists. Additionally, the novels
were selected because of the recurring themes of historical time travel. The major
objectives of the study were to analyse the presentation of historical time travel
elements in the selected novels and to explore the different methods of time travel
used in both novels. This was done through the theory of narratology and
mythology. The study then employed a qualitative desktop analysis, and data was
analysed using a thematic content analysis, which was systemised into different
themes to ease the data analysis and presentation process. The study observed that
although the themes in both novels are similar, each novel presents the themes in a
unique manner. In Crusade in Jeans (1973), it was found that historical time travel
embarked on by the protagonists was a result of a scientific experiment with the
hope of providing results and answers to scientific questions pertaining to time
travel beyond human comprehension. On the other hand, historical time travel in
When you Dance with the Crocodile (2012), accidentally happens with the main
characters not knowing they would be going back in time, but just playing a
computer game, and this consequently provides an opportunity for a nuanced
scientific discovery from video game experiments. Among the themes that
emerged in the study are child endangerment, credulity in religion and tradition,
and magic and heresy. Further research recommendations are to employ a
rhetorical theory analysis to futuristic time travel in children’s literary narratives
A thesis submitted in full fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in english studies
Time-Travel, Children, Literature, Narratology