Recent Submissions
Item Guidelines for clinical nursing education of the pupil enrolled nurse and midwife in Namibia(2011) Bampton, Elizabeth L.; ;Item An overview of completeness of maternal records: Documentation of maternal nursing care rendered to women during the four stages of labour in Oshakati intermediate hospital(2007) Velikoshi, Eva A.Abstract provided by authorItem Factors associated with neonatal deaths in Katima Mulilo state hospital(2006) Liomba, Christina M.The neonatal mortality rate is the most essential indicator of obstetric care as well as overall socio-economic development in any given country. It is also a sensitive indicator of the impact of programme intervention and for monitoring changes in quality care (MOHSS, 1996: 2). The Health Information System (HIS) at Katima Mulilo State Hospital reported an increase in neonatal deaths of 8/1000 live births (0,8%) in 2001 to 39/1000 live births (3,9%)in 2002. Based on this problem, factors associated with neonatal deaths were investigated in an effort to improve mother and child health in Katima Mulilo Hospital. In reviewing the literature, factors such as prematurity, low birth weight, infection, high parity/gravida, maternal age, birth intervals, hypothermia, lack of equipment, asphyxia and some obstetric related conditions such as placental pathologies, pregnancy-induced hypertension and birth injuries were identified. After applicable validation, these factors were also included in the instrument construction of this study. A comparative, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted from cases and controls selected from the total population. Cases referred to mothers and their diseased neonates, while controls referred to mothers and their surviving neonates. Some statistically significant differences were found between the case group and the control group with regard to certain variables that could be regarded as factors associated with neonatal deaths. Recommendations that were formulated based on this research report include emphasis on improved maternal and child health education, in-service training for registered nurses, regular audits of patient records and discussion of audit results. In addition it is proposed that the in-service training of traditional birth attendants be enhanced. It is recommended that these traditional midwives be instructed in the early detection of complications and the correct referral to health facilities. Extension of outreach services to all corners of the region should be implemented. Revision of national policy guidelines with regard to treatment protocols is also proposed. Consideration should also be given to the establishment of hospital facilities to improve the care of premature babies, which should accommodate mothers for Kangaroo Mother Care.Item Guidelines to implement an educational programme to internalise and operationalise the nursing process in the gyneacology wards of the training hospitals of Namibia(2007) Van der Vyver, MarietaAbstract provided by authorItem The views and perceptions of maternity patients on domestic violence(2005) Libuku, EricaItem Factors influencing the follow-up visits of mothers registered with prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS programme at the Katutura State Hospital(2005) Nashandi, Hilde-LiisaThe Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) has launched a comprehensive programme for the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) in March 2002. This programme was introduced for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Namibia using Nevirapine (an Antiretroviral drug). The programme was initiated at two pilot sites i.e. Katutura State Hospital Antenatal Clinic (KSH-ANC) and Oshakati State Hospital. This programme was aiming to reach 500 HIV positive women, 250 from each site, but this number has been exceededItem A survey to determine factors that influence the utilization of maternal and child health services by working women of child bearing age with specific reference to family planning(University of Namibia, 1995) Black, Sofia; Van Dyk A. S. B.A descriptive study was done to gather information which is directed at factors that influence the utilization of family planning services by working women in child bearing concluded that occupational health services are almost non-existent in Namibia and need to be addressed by health care policy makers; * family planning services and the distribution of information on these services (are not sufficient for working women in Windhoek; * strategies should be designed to improve the attitude of health providers towards clients so as to improve utilization of health services especially family planning services