Seed production, viability and germination of Citrullus Lanatus at the King Nehale conservancy

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Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsumura & Nakai seeds are valued for their oil for both household consumption and in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The immense monetary value offered for its seeds has resulted in over-exploitation of C. lanatus. This study investigated the ethnobotany, seed production, germination and viability of C. lanatus under controlled greenhouse and natural field conditions. An ethnobotanical study was carried out were resource users and key informants were interviewed on the plant resource utilization. Seed collection and germination trials of C. lanatus seeds took place at the University of Namibia main campus and the King Nehale Conservancy (KNC). Harvested fruits were collected, weighted and measured. Tetrafolium was used to test seed viability. Seed production was estimated by quantifying the number of seeds in randomly selected fruits from the wild. Seeds were then exposed to various treatments methods including scarification, treatment with essential microbes (EM) and water imbibition, and some kept as controls. Germination rates were expressed as the percentage of seeds germinated within 21 days after sowing the seeds. The data were subjected to statistical treatment using ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and T-tests
Ethnographic studies revealed that villagers are keen to intercrop C. lanatus with local traditional crops to increase the seed yield required for commercial trade. Lack of awareness with regard to the decrease of melon seeds or fruits being harvested is a major threat to the survival of this species in the wild. There was no significant difference in the germination rate (p 0.05) among seeds obtained from fruits of different sizes. Smaller fruits do not necessarily contain immature seeds. In addition, seed weight did not influence the germination success of the seeds. Pre-chilling of seeds and the exposure of the seeds to H2SO4 and Essential Microorganisms improved the germination success of the seeds. Mechanical scarification did not improve the germination of the seeds of C. lanatus. Seeds obtained from herbivore manure attained less than 50 germination
It is recommended that long-term monitoring is needed to assess the harvesting regimes and the recruitment of C. lanatus in the wild. Future investigations should be carried out on the seed yields and the oil yield of the melon. To gain better scientific knowledge, treatments should be extended to a greater variety of germination stimulators and inhibitors such as Gibberellic and Abscisic Acid
Melons, Watermelons