Habitat suitability and recommendation for the reintroduction of the European pond Turtle Emys Orbicularis (Lininnaeus 1975) to the area of community interest "Locknitztal" in Brandenburg (Germany)
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University of Namibia
The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is one of the most endangered
vertebrate species in Germany. The species conservation programme “Europäische
Sumpfschildkröte”, which was initiated in 1993 / 94, deals with the exploration of
biology and the protection of the few still existing small populations. For the
protection of the species, reintroduction to its former range is taken into
consideration. The present study evaluates the habitat suitability of the nature reserve and FFHb (Flora-Fauna Habitat) area “Löcknitztal” (Brandenburg) for Emys orbicularis. The study area is characterised by natural and remote appearance, high conservation status, high public interest in Emys orbicularis promoted by the “Freundeskreis Wappentier” (Supporters of the Emblem Animal) and a great voluntary engagement for the maintenance of the conservation area by the “Interessengemeinschaft Löcknitztal” (Löcknitztal Community of Interest).
Historical sources were reviewed to reconstruct the historical development of the
study area and to identify when and where important changes in landscape structures occurred. The present biotope structures were analysed using data sheets which were developed with special focus on habitat requirements of Emys orbicularis. The biotope structure analysis comprised a review of terrestrial habitats and aquatic habitats. The assessment was conducted from land, water and air. Furthermore, diet availability and predator pressure were estimated. The research determined that suitable aquatic and terrestrial structures are still present in the northeastern part of the study area. The analysis of potential food items proved sufficient availability of prey species. The high predator pressure could have
a negative impact on the reintroduction. To maintain the suitability of the area for Emys orbiclaris, habitat management is required. It should be realised in cooperation with the IG – Löcknitztal and the sheep company Kölpin - Fritsche active in the valley. These conservation measures would not only support the turtle population but also contribute to the maintenance and increase of biodiversity in the conservation area.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Habitat suitability, Emys Orbicularis, Brandenburg