An analysis of the challenges hampering the successful implementation of gender based violence policies: A case study of the Kavango East region of Namibia
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University of Namibia
This study was aimed at analysing the challenges hampering the successful
implementation of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) policies in Namibia using the
Kavango East Region as the unit of analysis. The study employed a descriptive and case
study research design. A semi-structured questionnaire and an interview guide were used
as data collection instruments. Thirty-five (35) respondents were purposively and
conveniently selected from key stakeholders (regional councillors, traditional leaders,
and Church leaders, civil society, government ministries). The empirical data collected
from respondents was analysed qualitatively using thematic and content analysis to
complement documentary analysis of secondary data. The thematic presentation and
discussion of the results was guided by the study research questions. The findings of
study revealed that it was imperative to review the existing policies on GBV to
accommodate emerging issues if radical change in reducing GBV is expected. The
findings of the study further revealed that key stakeholders such as civil society
organisations, traditional leaders, church leaders and community members were not fully
engaged and involved in the design of appropriate measures that would ensure effective
and efficient implementation of policies aimed at reducing GBV. Given the gap between
GBV policy and practice, the study advanced key recommendations that hinge on,
capacity building for various key stakeholders, adopting technology in reporting of GBV
cases, developing strategies to enhance coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the
policy implementation, creation of effective engagement platforms for communities,
traditional and church leaders on GBV matters, and robust revision of the existing GBV
policies and Action Plans
A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration
Gender based violence policies, Kavango East, Namibia, University of Namibia, Implementations