Impact assessment of corporate governance on corruption in the ministry of works and transport Namibia
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University of Namibia
Past studies on corporate governance sought to outline the best practices in corporate
governance and other related areas. However, regarding a study on impact assessment of
corporate governance on corruption in the Ministry of Works and Transport (MWT), little
has been done. The MWT’s Windhoek headquarters employs approximately 323 people
(MWT, 2021). This survey targeted a population of 20 and sampled 19 personnel of the
MWT's Windhoek headquarters, representing all five divisions (administration,
government air transport service, transportation, works, and aircraft accident
investigation). The qualitative technique was utilized by the researcher, who used non structured questions to elicit the thoughts of the respondents. The study established that
corporate governance has a positive effect on service delivery as well as reducing
corruption. The study also established that corporate governance in the Ministry of Works
and Transport is hindered by structural and deliberate factors. Structural factors were
policy and national in nature while deliberate factors were administrative and could be
solved at local level. The study also noted that, the Ministry of Works and Transport is
doing its best in trying to adhere to best practices in corporate governance while at the
same time facing challenges such as political interference and corruption in carrying out
their duties. The research recommends that the Ministry of Works and Transport should
take a deliberate stance in resolving issues affecting their operations by enhancing internal
risk control measures through establishment of effective whistle blowing mechanisms and
embracing of technological developmentsto enhance detection and prevention of financial
embezzlement and fraud. This can be enhanced through reporting and proper, timely and
accurate accounting
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master in business administration- Public sector management
Corporate governance, Ministry of works and transport, Namibia, Impact assessment