Entrepreneurs perceptions on the effectiveness of the adult skills development for self-employment (ASDSE) programme in the Khomas region of Namibia
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University of Namibia
The debate on the effective implementation of government intervention policies by government ministries in relation to job creation, income distribution and poverty reduction has been ongoing among educational researchers worldwide. In the case of Namibia, such a debate surfaced in the Ministry of Education, particularly with regard to the Adult Skills Development for Self-employment (ASDSE) programme in all 14 political regions. Literature consulted for this purpose has revealed that the voice of the entrepreneurs who are participating in the literacy programme are being neglected. This study intended to investigate the entrepreneurs’ perceptions on the effectiveness of the Adult Development Skills for Self-employment (ASDSE) Programme in the Khomas region of Namibia. The research was done in an attempt to understand the views of beneficiaries on the effectiveness of ASDSE, regarding the implementation of the programme.The research employed a qualitative case study design paradigm, due to the contextual nature of the phenomenon under investigation. The target population for this study included twenty beneficiaries of the programme in the Khomas education region. A purposive sampling technique was used to select information-rich respondents who were considered to possess experience and knowledge to provide reliable data.
The findings of the study indicate that there are numerous constraints that interfere with the current status of ASDSE to achieve its intended objectives. These constraints include a lack of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, as a result, contributed to poor business performance, a lack of exposure to development and technological skills, inadequate financial support to many adult beneficiaries. Lack of information pertaining to other line ministries, such as Ministry of Gender and Child Welfare issuing grants, where the ASDSE beneficiaries could top up their loans. The results of the study further indicate that the project does not contribute to poverty eradication as expected. The study findings also reveal that the businesses of beneficiaries are small, with either one employee or with no employees. The study findings, furthermore, reveal that most of the ASDSE beneficiaries had not mastered the knowledge and skills needed during the training to apply the skills in order to alleviate poverty. Moreover, they did not comprehend certain skills due to the fact that they felt that the training period was too short. Conditions of loans and the amount given to these starting-up businesses were considered to contribute to the failure of the businesses. It was also revealed that most of the education officers, who were supposed to direct the beneficiaries, lacked knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, which also hampered business development. It was further revealed that the monitoring and supervisions mechanisms put in place by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture were inadequate. More effort should be made to increase supervision, as it promotes success. This study provides some understanding of the circumstances of the ASDSE beneficiaries in trying to benefit from the project, especially skills needed by many adult beneficiaries to optimise their income generating businesses. As such, this research provides an agenda for the support and improvement of the work of the Ministry of Education’s entrepreneurship programme, such as external evaluation, business support organisation, in particular by the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development. The Namibian Chamber of Commerce should consider various approaches to revamp the project and shift its focus from a constricted focus on poverty reduction to the advanced perspective of fostering entrepreneurship.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (Lifelong Learning and Community Education)
Adult skills, Self-employment