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Item Ethnomathematics: An exploration of the mathematics embedded in basket making by Aawambo women in the Oshana region, Namibia(University of Namibia, 2024) Shimwandi, Ruusa Ndeutenge; Ngololo, ElizabethThe practice of ethnomathematics has been deeply embedded in the tradition of ethnic groups but its concepts remain untapped in the teaching of Mathematics in schools. In the Namibian context, it seems that curricula are still rooted in colonial policy with little or no integration of indigenous knowledge (IK) in schools. Although the Namibian National Curriculum for Basic Education (Namibia Ministry of Education Art and Culture, 2016) claims that it “embraces traditional knowledge” it does not specify how. It is against this background that the current study focuses on the Mathematics embedded in basket making by Aawambo women in the Oshana Region, Namibia, particularly identifying the mathematical content at the junior secondary level that is applicable. The study examines how Mathematics teachers can integrate geometrical constructs of basket-making into the teaching and learning process of Mathematics. Employing Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory as an analytical lens, I used an ethnographic research design that enables the development of a deeper understanding of how people make sense of the contexts in which they live and to generate data from interviews, observations and artefacts. I selected participants purposively to meet the objectives of the study and took a thematic approach to generate common sub-themes which I combined to form themes. The findings from a Focus Group Discussion with teachers revealed that basket weavers used various methods to form geometrical terms and relationships, geometrical shapes, geometrical transformation and symmetry. Workshop was an apt approach for training teachers in integration of IK. Recommendations based on the findings include training ii Mathematics teachers on the co-development of lesson plans to integrate ethnomathematics in the school curriculumItem The influence of social media on civic engagement and democracy among the youth in the Omaruru constituency of Namibia(University of Namibia, 2023) Shoopala, Petrus S.The aim of this study was to explore the influence of social media on civic engagement and democracy among the youth in the Omaruru Constituency of Namibia. The study employed qualitative research design with purposive and snowball sampling methods to select the participants. The findings reveal that social media is influential in the domain of civic engagement. It is also shown that land availability, youth empowerment, gender-based violence, unemployment, and high crime rate, entertainment and retail business draw the attention of the youth on social media. The youth participants prefer to use social media to express their views and opinions instead of addressing relevant authorities because of fear of prosecution and because social media helps the users to reach a wider audience. It seems that the main stream media has been monopolised by the government to limit freedom of expression and accessibility to the youth. The youth have diverging perspectives with regard to the impact that social media has had on the community in Omaruru Constituency as some youth believe that the use of social media had indeed made a tangible impact, while other were unsure as to whether social media has had an impact on the community of Omaruru Constituency or not. Moreover, the study revealed that mainstream media has been monopolised and is controlled by the Government to limit freedom of expression and accessibility to the youth. The youth urged the Government to consider using social media as a platform to engage them because social media promotes civic engagement through social dialogue, not just be between government institutions, and elected government officials but with the public especially the youth that use Facebook. The recommendations target the government, the youth and the community emphasising on the need for law or policy to engage community members and youth without fear of intimidation. Further studies should be undertaken regarding other regions of Namibia, and future research should examine and distinguish the causal relationship between online and offline participation in the public discourse for civic engagement among the youth.Item The contribution of social movements in the construction of social justice education. A Namibian case for selected social movements research(University of Namibia, 2022) Fredericks, Basil EdwardSocial movements are important participants in social production and transformation. They are the expressions of the contradictions and hierarchies of the society in which they live. Since the late 19th century, dozens of social movements have affected the life and politics of citizens. Social movements fill the void where the state is unable or unwilling to act for the benefit of its members. It allows us to understand power, state and social movements. Civil society organizations improve the formulation, implementation and supervision of government policies. The research used a qualitative research methodology that employed open semi-structured interviews and document analysis to gain insights into social movements and their contribution to the citizenry. This in-depth way of data collection allowed the researcher to delve into the views, opinions, understanding, and feelings of people who have experienced or are experiencing situations of interest. Amongst many, key findings, this study unearthed the promotion of social justice, empowerment and strengthening the capacity of all segments of social movements to increase their level of participation in developing and implementing society. Following an in-depth analysis of the research results, social movements must work with communities and encourage radical education to foster equality amongst the powerless. It is recommended that social justice education needs to be holistic and that the combination of learning elements should be effective in line with social justice education. Further research in the area of social movements that are linked to the construction of social justice education in communities through a comparative study to determine similarities and differences amongst respondents concerning social justice education is recommended.Item Monitoring tools for lifelong learning and adult education activities in Namibia(University of Namibia, 2022) Toivo, Josephine S.The objective of this study was to develop monitoring tools for Lifelong Learning and Adult Education activities in Namibia. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative-phenomenological design was employed to solicit perceptions on the strategies used to monitor Lifelong Learning and Adult Education activities, the monitoring tools used, and roles that the Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Council could play to uplift the monitoring tools for lifelong learning and adult education activities in Namibia. Purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 10 respondents from selected Windhoek-based institutions. A semistructured interview guide and a document analysis checklist were used to collect data. Related literature and a system theory offered ideas that were used to conceptualise the unified groups of interrelated and interdependent parts of systems. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data from both interviews and documents. Data were coded and related answers grouped and labelled. Categories were formed and segregated to form themes. The data revealed that various kinds of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education activities are taking place in different institutions in the country. However, most respondents had difficulty differentiating between lifelong learning and adult education activities. The findings have shown that a database system and collaboration were the most effective monitoring tools for Lifelong Learning and Adult Education activities. The data revealed that quantitative indicators dominate the collection of information on Lifelong Learning and adult education activities which omit the quality component of indicators than qualitative indicators. This study recommends for the immediate establishment of the National Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Council and its Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to ensure coordination, monitoring and evaluation of LLLAE activities.Item The appropriateness of the girl-child initiation training in the Zambezi region of Namibia(University of Namibia, 2022) Muchali, Mascot BakunupiThe study sought to investigate the appropriateness of the conditions during the girl-child initiation training that is hardly documented. This study was conducted in the Zambezi Region in Namibia as the practice of girl-child initiation training is common in that region. This study was guided by the three objectives namely to (1) identify activities performed during girl-child initiation training (2) investigate the appropriateness of the conditions during the girl-child initiation training activities and (3) suggest measures that can help improve the conditions during the girl-child initiation training activities in the Zambezi Region of Namibia The study adopted a qualitative approach methodology to enable the researcher to seek and explore diverse human experiences, feelings, views and subjective positions. That was done by using a combination of case studies or multiple cases and narrative research design. The multiple cases is a design known as collective case studies selected to provide insights into the issues or theme which in this study is the girl-child initiation training activities and conditions supported by exploratory research design. Case studies are very useful to explore topics where there is little knowledge or understanding. The population of the study consisted of initiates (Kumwale), parents of the initiates, mentors and village headmen/women (Induna) from four constituencies in the Zambezi Region. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and then analysed using content analysis. Study findings revealed that there are some common misconceptions about the activities that are done during the initiation trainings. The conditions for the period of the training are also negatively labelled and believed to be leading a girl-child to early girl marriage. The findings attested to the opposite. Instead it was found that girl-child initiation training activities aimed at moulding young girls into womanhood and to encourage them to marry at the appropriate age. The initiation activities involved, making traditional meals, home chores, weaving baskets, making clay pots and being oriented to the role of women in the society. In addition to women roles, they were introduced to the women taboos, local culture, and practices. The study further found out that the initiation training is highly valued by the locals. It is perceived that the girl-child that has not undergone the initiation training is lacking. Study findings alluded to the fact that initiates earn a great respect from the locals by being accepted in the community as women after graduating. They are further perceived as having been equipped with survival skills as they would have learned to use their hands and even make a living by selling their handmade products. The skills imparted during the initiation training are very important for cultural practices and it is believed that they empower the girl-child for the new roles in the society. The study recommends institutionalisation of the girl-child initiation training into the indigenous local education systems. It further recommends recognised formal structures to replace the informal and non-formal ways of initiation training. The study also suggests that the activities and conditions performed during the initiation trainings should be documented for replication and for improvement where necessary. Further studies were also recommended for comparative studies between other regional practices or impact evaluations of the initiation graduates.Item Transforming the living standards of the old aged people of Namibia through social grants: A case of Omagongati village, Oshana region(University of Namibia, 2020) Shikomba, Aune M.This study explores social grant factors that influence the living standards of the old aged people. It focuses on finding out whether the helping hand o_f social grants brought some changes on the living standards of the old aged people and further identifies possible solutions to improve the standard of living of the old aged people of Omagongati village in Oshana Region. The research is also embedded within the Sustainable Livelihoods framework (SLF) by Scoones (1998). The study adopts the qualitative methodology and utilizes the phenomenological design to outline the effects of social grant to the living standards of each participant. To garner the relevant data f or the study, in-depth interviews were conducted on the beneficiaries of old age social grant. The samples of twelve old aged people (participants) were purposively selected using a non-probability sampling technique to gauge the effects of social grant from the population of old aged people in Omagongati village, Oshana Region. The information of the study was recorded in the interview forms, audio taped and presented by focusing on each participant 's viewpoints. The study establishes that the old age grant is contributing to the provision o.f nutritional food, health services and payments of educational services for their grandchildren staying with them. The study also reveals that social grants are used to engage in internal saving schemes and petty income generating projects. The study further unveils that the old age grant is insufficient to meet the needs of people; some have the vulnerable grandchildren and the people living with HIV and AIDS in the family who require more cares. Finally, this study offers some recommendations for different agencies especially the social policy makers and implementer s to revisit the scheme in order to guarantee that old aged people in Namibia have sufficiency finds for survival and capable o.f looking after their families.Item The type of support that family literacy programme graduate parents give to their first graders of formal school in Oshana region(University of Namibia, 2020) Emvula, Hilya N.The study involves Family Literacy graduate parents who completed the programme in Oshana Region. It examined the (1) type of support Family Literacy graduate parents render to their 151 graders of formal school (2) impacts of Family Literacy Programme on parents to support children in their learning (3) strategies to help improve the implementation of Family Literacy Programme. The study conceptualised parents' educational participation, programme influences on parental support and approaches to help improve implementation of Family Literacy Programme. The study followed single method with interpretative philosophy using phenomenological designs and qualitative techniques of data collection. A sample of 15 participants in Oshakati Circuit in Oshana Region was selected through snowball sampling technique and participated in the study. Data was gathered through faceto-face interview and documents analysis. Data was analysed according to qualitative principles and findings were presented in narrative format with verbatim quotations. The key findings indicated that after attending Family Literacy Programme parents have accepted their roles as parents, gained courage, confidence and positively participated in supporting their children in early learning. They also have good interactions and relationship with children and school. The impacts of the programme include parents accepting their roles as children's first carers and understanding the teachers roles, parents partake in children's learning and enhancement in parent-children interaction as well as parent-teacher relationship. Based on the study findings, recommendations were made to improve the implementation of Family Literacy Programme in order to support embryonic literacy development of children.Item Caregivers'barriers to sustainable utilization of income generating funds for orphans and vulnerable children in the Oshikoto region of Namibia(2020) Himulayi, Wilhelmine NaukalemoGlobally, the concept of ―home-based caregivers‖ have mostly been used in the health sector to describe those caregivers that support the elderly people, the disabled, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) as well as the HIV/AIDS and TB affected patients in hospitals and communities. In Namibia, the need for empowering the OVC is anchored in Namibia‘s long-term and midterm developmental plans such as Vision 2030, Harambee Prosperity Plan, National Development Plans (NDPs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of this study was to explore the caregivers‘ barriers to sustainable utilization of income-generating funds for orphans and vulnerable children in Oshikoto Region, Namibia. The study addressed two research questions, namely: what are the caregivers‘ barriers to sustainable utilization of income-generating funds for orphans and vulnerable children in the Oshikoto Regions of Namibia; what strategies could be employed to address the caregivers‘ barriers to sustainable utilization of income-generating funds for orphans and vulnerable children in Oshikoto Region, Namibia. The study employed a qualitative approach because it allowed the researcher to explore and better understand the complexity of a phenomenon under investigation. The target population of this study was all funded home-based caregivers‘ and Income Generation Activities (IGA) trainers in Oshikoto Region who have participated in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) Income Generation Support Programme between 2007-2017. Cluster sampling was used to select a sample from thirteen regional constituencies. A mixture of semi-structured and open-ended questions helped the researcher to elicit information regarding participants‘ perceptions, experiences and feelings on barriers that hinder them from using the Income-Generation Fund sustainably. The data collected from the participants was analyzed following an inductive analytical process by extracting themes and categories that emerged from the data. The findings of the study revealed how IGA funds improved the livelihood of beneficiaries in Oshikoto Region. It appears that the funds provided amongst others, the following support for families and dependents: self-reliance, ability to buy food, school uniforms and the ability to pay schools fees and basic services. However, there were negative perceptions of the IGA. It seems that some beneficiaries did not find the IGA funds useful. 65 % of the participants explained that IGA funds were inadequate in terms of materials needed to start the projects while others asserted that their projects closed down because the IGA funds were not sufficient. The barriers that hinder the sustainable utilization of income-generating funds for OVC in Oshikoto Region are: lack of marketing; high competition; lack of initiatives; lack of self-driving effort; withdrawal from the group projects; lack of transport; lack of space for business operations; lack of capacity building opportunities; lack of start-up capital and lack of support for local products. The caregivers‘ views regarding the strategies that could be employed to address the barriers to sustainable utilization of income-generating funds for OVC in the Oshikoto Region concern the presence of control of duplication of services in one locality, the need for education and training, the introduction of mentorship programmes and funding agricultural activities. Caregivers also highlighted the need for on-going monitoring of projects, provision of incubators, value addition and review funding and need to fund renewable energy projects. The study concluded with recommendations aligned to the transformative paradigms and Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach due to its focus on the need to change the status quo of IGA beneficiaries through the provision of educational opportunities.Item The type of support that family literacy programe graduate parents give to their first grades of formal school in Oshana region(University of Namibia, 2020) Emvula, Hilya N.The study involves Family Literacy graduate parents who completed the programme in Oshana Region. It examined the (1) type of support Family Literacy graduate parents render to their 1st graders of formal school (2) impacts of Family Literacy Programme on parents to support children in their learning (3) strategies to help improve the implementation of Family Literacy Programme. The study conceptualised parents’ educational participation, programme influences on parental support and approaches to help improve implementation of Family Literacy Programme. The study followed single method with interpretative philosophy using phenomenological designs and qualitative techniques of data collection. A sample of 15 participants in Oshakati Circuit in Oshana Region was selected through snowball sampling technique and participated in the study. Data was gathered through face-to-face interview and documents analysis. Data was analysed according to qualitative principles and findings were presented in narrative format with verbatim quotations. The key findings indicated that after attending Family Literacy Programme parents have accepted their roles as parents, gained courage, confidence and positively participated in supporting their children in early learning. They also have good interactions and relationship with children and school. The impacts of the programme include parents accepting their roles as children’s first carers and understanding the teachers roles, parents partake in children’s learning and enhancement in parent-children interaction as well as parent-teacher relationship. Based on the study findings, recommendations were made to improve the implementation of Family Literacy Programme in order to support embryonic literacy development of children.Item The contribution of the resettlement programme on sustainable livelihoods of small - scale commercial farmers in Mariental rural constituency of the Hardap region, Namibia(University of Namibia, 2019) Ngavetene, Jefta VatunaAt independence, Namibia was confronted with a skewed land tenure system where the minority owned vast productive land (Juach et al., 2013). To avoid losing land to dominant locals and rich occupants the government established the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement to be responsible for the process of land reform and resettlement. As a result, the resettlement programme was established to assist in addressing social injustices and to improve the lives of those who are encircled by poverty. A resettlement programme is a developmental approach aimed at the alleviation of poverty and to uplift people’s livelihoods. This study investigated the contribution of Land Reform and Resettlement Programme (LRRP) on sustainable livelihoods of small-scale livestock commercial farmers in the Mariental Rural Constituency of Hardap Region. The study used a case study design of the qualitative approach to capture the reality of the small-scale livestock commercial farmers’ lived experiences of and thoughts about the resettlement programme, its intended purpose and benefits to them. The study revealed that the programme beneficiaries have managed to accumulate assets they did not have before they were resettled. The researcher assessed the lives of resettled farmers and remarkable improvement was observed and tangible assets were evident. In terms of natural assets, the study findings have shown that all beneficiaries have access to land to do their farming and improve their livelihoods. Despite these successes, the programme beneficiaries are faced with numerous challenges such as small farm sizes, drought and lack of sufficient rainfall, poor infrastructure and lack of knowledge, skills and post-settlement support. In light of these findings, beneficiaries suggested possible solutions that could have a role in strengthening their livelihoods at present and in the future. Pre and post settlement support, training and orientation are very important elements to the success of resettlement programmes in this country. Furthermore, financial support or start-up capital to buy livestock should be availed immediately after the resettlement process as this will enable the beneficiary to start farming immediately.Item Factors preventing participation of men in community development projects in Okatana constituency in the Oshana region, Namibia(University of Namibia, 2020) Ndunge, Fransina-NdapandulaCommunity participation lies at the heart of developmental programmes and policies. Unfortunately, the literature proves that many community development projects fail due to low community participation. In Namibia, the issue of low community participation is particularly associated with men distancing themselves from community projects. This study aimed at investigating underlying factors preventing participation of men in community development projects with special reference to the Okatana constituency in the Oshana region, Namibia. A phenomenological research design was used to explore participants’ experiences and perceptions of and about factors preventing participation of men in community development projects. Phenomenological design was also used to elicit meanings which participants attached to events such as those of full participation, withdrawal and non- participation in community projects. The researcher employed a semi-structured self-developed interview guide to collect data from participants. The population of this study was men and women in the Oshana region. A criterion-purposive sampling procedure was employed to select a total sample of 18 participants from four villages: Ekamba, Andambo-Mbali, Omahahi and Eshongo Respectively. A thematic content analysis technique was used to analyse data collected. The findings of the study were grouped into four main categories; Factors preventing participation of men in community development projects; Motivation for community participation; Benefits of equal community participation and Strategies to improve men’s participation in projects. The findings of this study indicated that factors preventing participation of men in community projects include socio-cultural and political barriers, as well as structural and administrative barriers. Findings further revealed that community members were motivated by certain society and project related attributes which propels participation in projects. It was also found that community members were aware of the benefit that comes with equal participation of men and women in projects. The study suggested a number of strategies which could be employed to promote community participation in projects. It is recommended that development practitioners strengthen community education to create awareness of community projects. Participants also strongly recommended improvement of service delivery with a particular emphasis on resource allocation. Moreover, a recommendation for involving traditional leaders in identification as well as monitoring and evaluation of projects was made. Finally, the study recommends that replicating the same study in other regions could allow unique and varying findings across the entire country.Item An investigation of challenges experienced by teachers who are teaching through Afrikaans medium of instruction: A case of four selected primary schools in Windhoek(University of Namibia, 2019) De Koker, Johanna ElizabethThe Language Policy for Schools in Namibia states that for pedagogical reasons it is ideal for learners to study through their Mother Tongue (MT), particularly in the early years of schooling when basic skills of reading, writing and concept formation are acquired. In order to be literate, one should not only speak well, but also know the written language, as language is the system of human expression by means of words (Republic of Namibia, 2003). Therefore, the system of human expression by means of words needs to be fully functional for people to be in a position to communicate and understand each other. This paper presents challenges experienced by teachers who are Teaching Through Afrikaans Medium of Instruction (TTAMI) at primary schools in Windhoek. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. The study is qualitative in nature and is positioned within the interpretive paradigm. Purposive sampling was used to select fourteen (14) Afrikaans Medium of Instruction (AMI) teachers to generate data from each selected primary school in Windhoek, Khomas region. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of Non-Afrikaans Mother Tongue (NAMT) speaking learners are enrolled and placed in Afrikaans Medium of Instruction (AMI) classes, which leads to challenges experienced by teachers who are Teaching Through Afrikaans Medium of Instruction (TTAMI) in the Junior Primary Phase (JPP), grade zero to three. It was found that Afrikaans Mother Tongue (AMT) native speakers as well as the non-native speakers recommend yearly in-service professional development trainings, because of the difficulties they experience in Teaching Through Afrikaans as a Medium of Instruction (TTAMI).Item An investigation into strategies for mobilising resources within the adult education directorate in Otjozondjupa region(University of Namibia, 2018) Mafwila, Van-Roin MaswabiThe Education for All Action Plan (2002), Millennium Development Goal Report (2008), National Development Plan 4 (2012) and the Ministry of Education Strategic Plan (2012) acknowledge the need for resource mobilisation strategies to help finance adult education. Studies on Namibia resource mobilisation highlight the lack of infrastructural, financial and human resources in adult education but the studies do not mention strategies to mobilise these resources. Fourteen regions exist in Namibia and most of them show some improvements in terms of availability of resources in adult education, except for the Otjozondjupa region that has reportedly experienced a lack of resources and a lack of effective resource mobilisation strategies (Aitchison, 2012). The aim of this study was to investigate strategies for resource mobilisation in the Otjozondjupa region. The study employed a qualitative approach because it presents research about people’s experiences, using techniques such as interviews and observations, and report findings mainly in words rather than statistics. The study followed a case study design as it helped to understand characteristics of a target population of 22 adult educationalists in the Directorate of Adult Education (DAE) in the Otjozondjupa region of Namibia. A purposeful sampling technique was used to draw the most experienced and knowledgeable staff, using an inventory to note the characteristics of respondents. The findings of the study indicated that the DAE in the Otjozondjupa region has adhoc strategies in place for resource mobilisation. However, these strategies are not operative enough to bring about the required resources within the said region. The findings reveal that the DAE does not have approaches to resource mobilisation, with regard to which a policy is lacking. The study recommends that the DAE in the Otjozondjupa region of Namibia laid a support structure by formulating a resource mobilisation policy. It also recommends that the government build coalitions with intergovernmental organisations and international financial institutions. It is recommended that the DAE develop innovative financial mechanisms such as green lotteries, auctions and business/public partnerships and also develop a holistic budget planning approach. Moreover, the DAE needs to convene a conference to bring all stakeholders together to discuss the matter of mobilising resources.Item Parents' participation in the family literacy programme in the Kavango East region of Namibia(University of Namibia, 2018) Kamati, Thekla NanguraThe establishment of Family Literacy Programmes is a worldwide trend as it is an educational method that promotes the notion of the parent being the child’s first teacher. A Family Literacy Programme (FLP) was implemented in the Kavango East Region of Namibia through the Directorate of Adult and Lifelong Learning. However, there is a high drop-out rate and low participation among parents. This study therefore sought to investigate parents’ participation in the FLP in the Kavango East Region of Namibia. The study used a qualitative research design because the researcher developed a holistic analysis of FLP in the Kavango East Region of Namibia using words, reports and detailed views of informants in natural settings. The study employed a case study design in that it focused on four schools from four constituencies of the Kavango East Region, namely Rundu Rural, Mashare, Ndonga-linena and Ndiyona. The study employed purposive sampling. The participants with specific characteristics were those parents who participated in the FLP, school principals, grade one teachers, promoters and adult educators from the four constituencies. The research instrument used to collect the data was the interview guide. The findings of the study reveal that the tendencies or prevalence of parents participation in the FLP in the Kavango East Region of Namibia is not homogenous but stems from a variety of understandings and is supported by a variety of reasons. First, it seems that there is a confusion regarding parents’ understanding of the FLP concept. The parents’ reasons for entering the FLP are related to the lack of pre-primary and primary schools, understanding the importance of education, improving academic performance of learners and reducing absenteeism and parents’ hope to acquire the basic skills of reading and writing. The reasons that force parents to drop out of the FLP in the Kavango East Region of Namibia include the following: the FLP is offered at the wrong time, lack of awareness about FLP policies and programmes, irregular visits, pedagogical approaches used by facilitators regarding lesson preparation and presentation, lack of funds and transport, laziness and ignorance among participants, pressure in the families, parents not valuing education for their children, salary delays, poor training for promoters and poor working relationships between ministry and school. The reasons that force parents out of the FLP therefore are situational and socio-economic. The parents suggested measures that could be put in place to improve participation in the FLP in the Kavango East Region of Namibia. These measures support the need to improve the curriculum, improve the relationship among stakeholders, improve the salary and qualification levels of promoters and ensure constant evaluation of the FLP. It is recommended that the division of adult education and lifelong learning to provide funding for the FLP campaign mobilize and create awareness in parents, especially those with a low level of education, provide adequate training to facilitators, extension of the programme duration and evaluation of the curriculum provide more intervention. The University of Namibia is called upon to provide learning opportunities for facilitators to further their education in the field of adult education in a form of two- to three-year diploma qualifications for teachers. The education officers in the Kavango East region must build a rapport with the school principals, Grade 1 teachers and promoters to ensure the schools succeed and improve participation of parents in the FLP. The promoters are called upon to advance and motivate parents to establish class committees to assist with the mobilization of other parents in the community. The parents who understand the importance of and benefits of FLP could be called upon to assist in motivating fellow parents by sharing their experience derived from the FLP. However, further research is still needed to assess the relevance of the FLP, the changes necessary and the extent to which the FLP objectives are being achieved.Item Identifying barriers and effective community interventions to voluntary medical male circumcision in the Zambezi region(University of Namibia, 2017) Simataa, Lukubwe A.Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) is basically the surgical removal of foreskin of the penis. This is done for many reasons. However, cultural, religious and medical reasons are the most paramount for Male Circumcision (MC) around the world today. Needless to say, since the three randomized controlled trials on male circumcision in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa proved that VMMC can reduce the HIV transmission by at least 60%, this has become the main reason for MC, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (Woambe, 2003). VMMC has also proved to protect both men and women against diseases and infections among others: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), cervical cancer and penile cancer. Subsequent to these realizations, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) recommended VMMC to 14 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (including Namibia) with high Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevalence rates and low MC prevalence rates, as an additional HIV prevention strategy (Woambe, 2003). However, since the roll out of VMMC services in these countries, fewer men have heed the call to go for VMMC as the achieved number of circumcised men at the country and regional levels is not promising any significant realization that would have a positive health impact on the population, especially in relation to the HIV pandemic. Nearly all these countries could not reach the set targets, Namibia included. Despite numerous interventions to scale up VMMC in priority countries, the MC prevalence rates are still low. For example, Namibia as a country set the target of 330 128 men to be circumcised by 2016, however the numbers are not promising. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify barriers and the most effective community interventions in scaling up VMMC in the Zambezi Region. This study utilized a qualitative approach. Since the study dealt with a sensitive cultural topic of male circumcision, the most appropriate research design was ethnography (Adams, 2012), in particular compressed ethnography’ (Rowsell, 2011). The data collection techniques that were used in this study included: focused group discussions (FGDs), in-depth interviews (IDIs) and VMMC modified client forms to collect detailed views about barriers and the most effective community interventions from study participants. A total number of 89 participants (about 58%) out of 153 targeted population took part in the study which included: circumcised men, uncircumcised men, women, traditional leaders, church leaders, VMMC providers and VMMC promoters. The research was conducted in three locations: Katima Mulilo, Bukalo and Sibbinda. Data was collected over a period of two months. This was done as follows: modified client forms with prospective VMMC clients: n=23, focus group discussions (FGDs): n=8 with 49 participants and in-depth interviews (IDIs): n=17. The majority of the study participants identified the main barriers to VMMC in the Zambezi Region as: fear of pain, fear of needles, fear of surgical complications and fear of taking an HIV test. The other additional barriers included: cultural barrier, religious beliefs, lack of adequate information, women staffs at VMMC sites, cost, abstinence from sex for 42 days after VMMC procedure, stigmatization, lack of parental consent, age limit and distance to VMMC facilities. The study also revealed that the barriers to VMMC can be addressed by strengthening the already existing educational advocacy approaches. The study further found out that the motivating factors associated with the scaling up of VMMC in the Zambezi Region are mainly: the prevention of disease, penile hygiene, peer-to-peer influence and social recognition. In addition, the most repeatedly mentioned effective community interventions in scaling up VMMC in the Zambezi Region were: community mobilization, peer-to-peer influence, radio and television, and posters and leaflets. Additionally, the use of influential persons such as artists and the use of women were found to be vital players in encouraging more men to sign up for VMMC.Item Instructional strategies used by teachers in teaching reading comprehension to grade five and seven learners in selected schools in Windhoek, Khomas region, Namibia(University of Namibia, 2017) Kauami, FlorenceSince 2009, Grade five and seven learners in Namibia have been writing the National Standardized Achievement Tests (NSATs), where one grade writes at the end of one year and the other writes at the end of the following year (Directorate of National Examinations and Assessment, DNEA, 2013). This study was conducted based on the performance of the Grades five and seven learners at selected schools in Khomas Region. The purpose of this study was to find out which reading comprehension instructional strategies the teachers used to teach reading comprehension to Grades 5 and 7 learners in selected schools in Khomas region. The study used a mixed method research design, namely the qualitative aproach and the quantitative approach. The quantitative approach was used to see which reading comprehension instructional strategies teachers used to teach reading comprehension, to what extent they used them, as well as whether there was a relationship between the instructional strategies the teachers used to teach reading comprehension and the performance of learners in reading comprehension tests. The qualitative approach was used to get information about the teachers‟ understanding of reading comprehension instruction, what teachers do during reading comprehension lessons, what they do to help learners comprehend texts better, as well as to gain information on the concerns they had about the learners‟ level of understanding comprehension tests. The study aimed to answer these three questions; a) which reading comprehension instructional strategies do teachers use to teach reading comprehension to Grade five and seven learners in the selected schools in Khomas Region? b) To what extend do teachers use these instructional strategies to teach reading comprehension? c) What relationships exist between the reading comprehension instructional strategies used by teachers and the learners‟ performance on reading comprehension tests? The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaires completed by the teachers teaching English to Grades five and seven learners, classroom observational checklists used by the researchers during lesson observations and reading comprehension tests that were written by the learners. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive graphs, charts, and the SPSS progmamme. The qualitative data was analyzed using a thematic approach to analyze data collected through open- ended questions. The quantitative findings of the study revealed that at Grade five, at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of significance, the strategies did not contribute to the performance of the learners and their influence towards the performance of the learners was not significant. From that observation, as well as from the findings revealed by the qualitative data collected, the reading comprehension instructional strategies were known by the teachers but not used optimally so as to yield the desired results in reading comprehension tests.Item Assessing the application of literacy skills towards poverty alleviation by graduates of the national literacy programme in Oshikoto region, Namibia(University of Namibia, 2017) Alfeus, EmiliaThis study assessed the application of literacy skills towards poverty alleviation by graduates of the National Literacy Programme in Oshikoto region, Namibia. The study addressed three major questions that were regarded important in understanding how the use of literacy skills is contributing to poverty alleviation in the lives of the participants. The questions looked at the skills the literacy programme graduates in Oshikoto region acquired; how literacy skills acquired are used and the challenges preventing graduates from using skills acquired in order to alleviate poverty in their lives. The study employed a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design to answer its research questions. Judgement sampling was used to select information-rich participants for the study. The researcher utilized one-on-one interviews and observations to collect data from 12 literacy programme graduates. Data collected from participants through interviews and observation was then analysed using the thematic content analysis method. The findings of the study indicated that entrepreneurial, numeracy and communication in English skills were the most acquired skills by literacy programme graduates. The graduates are aware of the need to use the literacy skills they acquired and remain willing to use them in order to improve their living standard and alleviate poverty. Furthermore, the results show that failure to apply literacy skills is caused mostly by lack of finance. The results also produced new insight regarding how the literacy programme’s curriculum can further be strengthened with skills that will significantly equip graduates to enable them to alleviate poverty in their lives.Item Investigating experiences and practices of indigenous healing beneficiaries in Kaliyangile community of Zambezi region in Namibia(University of Namibia, 2017) Lilemba, Victoria N.The objective of this study was to investigate expe`riences and perceptions of indigenous healing beneficiaries in the Kaliyangile community of the Zambezi Region. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative-phenomenological design, drawing on open-ended and closed-ended interviews, was adopted. Snowball sampling was used to identify indigenous healing beneficiaries who participated in the study while homogenous sampling was used to identify the indigenous healers. Related literature and indigenous knowledge systems theory offered ideas that were used to conceptualise the study and analyze the data. When analyzed, data revealed an overwhelmingly positive perception of indigenous healers as panacea to all the social and health ills within the Kaliyangile community. The indigenous healer was largely perceived as, among others: “a great problem solver”, “someone in charge of the environment and people’s well-being” and “someone possessing supernatural powers to cast out bad spirits and afflictions”. As shown in the data, indigenous healers are more trusted, admired and highly revered by the beneficiaries of their services, giving rise to a deep-rootedness of indigenous healing practices in the community. Despite harboring positive perceptions in indigenous healing services, beneficiaries narrated a mixed bag of experiences in their dealing with providers of indigenous healing services. Some of the beneficiaries who participated in the study held positive experiences of indigenous healing services as most of the ailments or diseases that were taken to indigenous healers were resolved or healed. On the flip side of the same coin, however, data revealed that some beneficiaries’ experiences of indigenous healing were not all that positive. Negative experiences included, among others: manipulation through the use of fear, exclusion of beneficiaries during divination by resorting to inaccessible language, and charging exorbitant fees. Beneficiaries’ negative experiences with indigenous healing were exacerbated by the lack of sensitization about the benefits of indigenous healing services and short of qualified personnel in indigenous healing services. The study recommends the integration of indigenous healing services into the mainstream health system; adoption of a multi-sectoral approach in sensitizing the public about the use of indigenous medicine; preservation of indigenous knowledge systems and provision of educational programmes on indigenous healing systems.Item Investigating the perceptions of learners, teachers and programme implementers regarding the value of non-formal sexuality education programmes in Rundu circuit, Kavango East region(University of Namibia, 2017) Furayi, Lydia N.The prevalence of learner pregnancy amongst school girls in most African countries is a profound concern (Grant & Hallmark, 2006), and Namibia is heavily impacted by this scourge, particularly the Kavango East Education Region. Despite access to information and skills presented by non-formal sexuality education programmes like My Future is My Choice [MFMC] and Kavango Girls Education Project [KGEP] on developing healthy relationships and responsible decision-making about sexual activities, especially during adolescence, many female learners in the Kavango East Educational Region do not complete school as they drop-out prematurely due to early pregnancy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of learners, teachers and programme implementers regarding the value of non-formal sexuality education programmes in mitigating learner pregnancy at schools where these programmes are offered. This study is a depiction and portrayal of the views of the learners, teachers and programme implementers on the value of non-formal sexuality education programmes in mitigating learner pregnancy in schools in the Rundu Circuit in the Kavango East Educational Region, Namibia. The research was done in an attempt to understand how useful non-formal sexuality education programme is as far as justifying learner pregnancy awareness is concerned. The study employed a qualitative phenomenological research design, due to the contextual nature of the observable fact under investigation. Qualitative data was collected by means of document analysis and face-to-face interviews with three Life Skills teachers, two programme implementers and fourteen female learners (eight non-learner mothers and six learner mothers) from four public schools in the Rundu Circuit. A purposive sampling technique in line with the qualitative orientation was used to select information-rich respondents who were considered to possess experience and knowledge to provide reliable data (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2007). The data were analysed by using content oriented analysis. The study found that non-formal sexuality education programmes are relevant in mitigating the rate at which learners fall pregnancy whilst in schools. The research respondents mentioned the following as the benefits of lessons learned from non-formal sexuality education and these includes; pregnancy prevention through abstinence, condom use and contraceptive use, delaying sexual activities, changing of attitudes in making responsible decisions about sexual activities. The study further revealed that learner pregnancy is not simply the result of a girl's failure to obtain and use contraception, but is instead inexorably linked to many social, cultural, educational, and economic factors influencing adolescent risk-taking behaviours. These factors are; peer pressure, poverty, low self-esteem, imitation, fear of losing a boyfriend, and ignorance. The negative social, cultural, economic and educational consequences of teenage pregnancy are considerable, and in order for these programmes [KGEP and MFMC] to reduce the incidence and ramifications of learner pregnancy they must be multidimensional in their approach to learner pregnancy prevention. Through a multidimensional approach, teenagers may develop the knowledge, behaviours, and self-esteem that will allow them to be motivated to prevent pregnancy through abstinence or responsible sexual behaviour.Item Entrepreneurs perceptions on the effectiveness of the adult skills development for self-employment (ASDSE) programme in the Khomas region of Namibia(University of Namibia, 2015) Shikukumwa, Aletta T.The debate on the effective implementation of government intervention policies by government ministries in relation to job creation, income distribution and poverty reduction has been ongoing among educational researchers worldwide. In the case of Namibia, such a debate surfaced in the Ministry of Education, particularly with regard to the Adult Skills Development for Self-employment (ASDSE) programme in all 14 political regions. Literature consulted for this purpose has revealed that the voice of the entrepreneurs who are participating in the literacy programme are being neglected. This study intended to investigate the entrepreneurs’ perceptions on the effectiveness of the Adult Development Skills for Self-employment (ASDSE) Programme in the Khomas region of Namibia. The research was done in an attempt to understand the views of beneficiaries on the effectiveness of ASDSE, regarding the implementation of the programme.The research employed a qualitative case study design paradigm, due to the contextual nature of the phenomenon under investigation. The target population for this study included twenty beneficiaries of the programme in the Khomas education region. A purposive sampling technique was used to select information-rich respondents who were considered to possess experience and knowledge to provide reliable data. The findings of the study indicate that there are numerous constraints that interfere with the current status of ASDSE to achieve its intended objectives. These constraints include a lack of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, as a result, contributed to poor business performance, a lack of exposure to development and technological skills, inadequate financial support to many adult beneficiaries. Lack of information pertaining to other line ministries, such as Ministry of Gender and Child Welfare issuing grants, where the ASDSE beneficiaries could top up their loans. The results of the study further indicate that the project does not contribute to poverty eradication as expected. The study findings also reveal that the businesses of beneficiaries are small, with either one employee or with no employees. The study findings, furthermore, reveal that most of the ASDSE beneficiaries had not mastered the knowledge and skills needed during the training to apply the skills in order to alleviate poverty. Moreover, they did not comprehend certain skills due to the fact that they felt that the training period was too short. Conditions of loans and the amount given to these starting-up businesses were considered to contribute to the failure of the businesses. It was also revealed that most of the education officers, who were supposed to direct the beneficiaries, lacked knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, which also hampered business development. It was further revealed that the monitoring and supervisions mechanisms put in place by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture were inadequate. More effort should be made to increase supervision, as it promotes success. This study provides some understanding of the circumstances of the ASDSE beneficiaries in trying to benefit from the project, especially skills needed by many adult beneficiaries to optimise their income generating businesses. As such, this research provides an agenda for the support and improvement of the work of the Ministry of Education’s entrepreneurship programme, such as external evaluation, business support organisation, in particular by the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development. The Namibian Chamber of Commerce should consider various approaches to revamp the project and shift its focus from a constricted focus on poverty reduction to the advanced perspective of fostering entrepreneurship.