Human resources development and the utilisation of expatriates in Namibia's public sector

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This paper looked at human resource development and the utilisation of expatriates in Namibia's Ministries of Health and Social Services and Basic Education, Sports and Culture. The two ministries are among those which were projected to continue to suffer from scarcities of skilled and professional human resources by the National Planning Commission (NPC, 2002). The broad objective of the study is to establish the progress made in addressing skills shortages and replacement of expatriates in the two government ministries. The study has used secondary data obtained through the study of documents and primary data generated through interviews. The paper concludes that there will continue to be shortages of medical doctors, pharmacists and other specialists in the country as also stated in the Namibia Vision 2030. Government is therefore urged to take policy measures that can improve the current forecasted future. In education, the study confirms that since independence, there have been major improvements in indicators such as school enrolment rates, learners to teacher's ratio, adult literacy rates, and development of infrastructure. However, the challenges facing education is of having too many teachers in the wrong specialisations. The ministry has gone a step further by articulating in a policy statement what are the needs in terms of teacher specialisation. It is rather too early to tell if this policy will be followed
Education, Human resource planning