Orphans and vulnerable children in Namibia
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Namibia is one of the countries in Southern Africa seriously affected by HIV/AIDS. To that end the pandemic contributed heavily to the burden of Orphans and vulnerable children in the country. The loss of a parent causes trauma and jeopardizes the future of the child. It is also observed that the death of a parent due to HIV/AIDS contribute to the rejection, isolation and exclusion by both the family members and caretakers
This study examines the living conditions and problems and challenges faced by the Orphans and vulnerable children in the Oshana and the Khomas regions. Special attention is paid to caregivers receiving grants on behalf of the orphans. The study investigates whether grants received from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Welfare is utilized in the best interest of the child
The study found that some of the caregivers, especially mothers and aunts are receiving, the orphans and vulnerable children grants even if the children are not living with them. The study further shows how different role players in caring Orphans and vulnerable children plays a significant role in the distribution of food and the registration of orphans to be incorporated into the grant system. The study also revealed that as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic a number of orphans have accepted new roles and responsibilities of heading the households
The study recommends the mobilizing of communities to join hands with role players looking after orphans and vulnerable children to take ownership of orphans and to initiate income generating projects aimed at assisting them.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Public Policy and Administration
Child care services, Orphans