Masters Degrees (DECDLPE)

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    The role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in junior primary phase: A case study of environmental studies in selected grade two rural classrooms
    (University of Namibia, 2024) Kashwela, Emma A.; Ya-Otto, Haihambo C. K.
    This study aimed to explore the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Junior Primary phase in the Omusati region of Namibia. The study targeted Grade Two teachers from the Omusati Region, mainly those in rural schools responsible for teaching Environmental Studies. A case-study-based qualitative research method was used. The study used purposive and convenience sampling to select ten teachers and four schools. Ten Grade 2 Etayi Circuit teachers were observed and interviewed. The study highlighted several ICT roles in Environmental Studies instruction. ICT enhances learners' attention and memory, making abstract subjects easier to teach. With ICT, teachers can personalise learning. ICT use in Junior Primary was hindered by many factors. These included a lack of projectors, computers, internet connectivity, teacher ICT training, communication challenges, and instructional time for ICT integration. The study suggests many ways the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture (MoEAC) can address these concerns and increase ICT integration: Support ICT integration with equipment and training. Develop ICT-focused in-service professionals. Strategy and collaboration can overcome ICT integration barriers in rural Junior Primary schools to improve teaching and learning
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    The effect of using models to enhance grade 7 learners’ understanding of fractions: A case of a primary school in Onankali circuit, Oshikoto region
    (University of Namibia, 2024) Shalonda, Helena Simanekeni; Iipinge, S. M.
    The study aimed to examine the effects of models have on enhancing Grade 7 learners’ understanding of Mathematical fractions at a primary school in the Onankali Circuit, Oshikoto Region of Namibia. The study utilized a mixed-method approach, using a quasi-experimental design. The study was guided by the constructivism theory of Piaget (1964). To choose one of the primary schools in the Onankali Circuit, purposive sampling technique was employed. Two Grade 7 classes were selected as a sample, one chosen as the experimental group and the other as the control group. Thirty pupils were selected at random from each group. A pre-and post-test quasi-experimental design with two groups for the study sample was used to collect comparative quantitative data. On the other hand, over the same seven weeks, the control group received instruction using textbooks and algorithms, while the experimental group was taught fractions using models. The learners were given a variety of tests following seven weeks of fraction instruction utilizing models. Following that, the experimental and control groups received post-tests. Qualitative data were collected through focus group interviews with 10 randomly selected learners. The data were then subjected to thematic analysis. Results suggested that teaching fractions with models could improve learners' comprehension. The quantitative data results showed that the post test performance of the experimental group outperformed that of the control group. The study concluded that learners in Grade 7 who were taught using models had a statistically significant difference in their understanding of fractions when compared to learners who were taught using presentations and textbooks, thus, the H0 was not accepted. The study found that teachers used a range of representations, including area models, circular, rectangular, set models, and length models, to effectively teach fractions. The study recommends that Mathematics teachers refrain from using the ii algorithm method, as learners need to understand how they work to memorize rules. Learners end up forgetting in the end
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    The influence of Silozi as a medium of instruction on literacy in junior primary schools: A case study of four schools in the Zambezi education region
    (University of Namibia, 2024) Linosi, Bravo M.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Silozi as a medium of instruction literacy in junior primary schools through the case study of four primary schools in the Zambezi Region. Although the study was mainly qualitative, it adopted a pragmatic parallel mixed methods design employing both qualitative and quantitative research designs. The following data collection methods were used: questionnaire, observations, and semi-structured interviews. The purpose of using parallel mixed methods was to enable the researcher to collect and concurrently analyse data to gain in-depth information and perspectives on the use of Silozi as a medium of instruction. A total of 29 respondents were chosen for the study: 12 teachers, 4 principals, 1 advisory teacher and 12 parents. Data obtained through questionnaires, observations and semi-structured interviews were triangulated into themes and categories, documented, and interpreted after analysis. The study revealed that the language situation in the Zambezi Region is complex and not cognisant of the region’s linguistic heterogeneity. The study further revealed several factors that influence using Silozi as a medium of instruction which included the differences in the languages spoken at home and the language of classroom instruction, lack of adequate instructional materials, inadequate Silozi reading materials within the school and home environments, lack of proficiency in Silozi for some teachers and learners, negative parental and teacher attitudes towards the use of Silozi as medium of instruction. It was therefore recommended that the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture should promote the Silozi language among communities in the Zambezi Region, strengthen Silozi as a medium of instruction through teacher training and supporting the development of instructional materials to bridge the gap between the language of classroom instruction and the home language
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    Teachers’ experiences in using phonics methods in teaching english reading to junior primary phase in Ohangwena region
    (University of Namibia, 2023) Lamek, Julia Dhiginina
    The purpose of this study was to explore Junior Primary teachers’ experiences in using all phonics methods in teaching English reading skills. The study addressed two research questions: What are teachers' experiences in using the phonics method when teaching English reading at a Junior Primary phase? and What should be done to improve the use of the phonics method in teaching English reading skills at the Junior Primary phase? The study adopted a qualitative approach following a single case study design. Purposeful sampling was used to select the five teachers teaching English in the Junior Primary phase. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and non-participant classroom observation. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings of the study revealed that teachers understood phonics as a way of teaching learners the relationship between sounds and letters. The study further revealed that teachers relate their understanding of the concept of reading to the skill of combining sounds and creating the meaning of what has been written. It was also clear from the study findings that teachers use phonics methods to teach English reading skills. They are, however, faced with numerous challenges in teaching English reading skills using the phonics method. Such challenges include a lack of teachers' training, a lack of appropriate teaching materials, the influence of Oshikwanyama as a medium of instruction, and overcrowded classrooms. Based on these challenges, teachers’ training and provision of teaching materials were suggested by teachers as measures to ensure the effective use of phonics in teaching English reading skills at the Junior Primary phase. The study recommends that there is a need for Junior Primary experts to deliver the right English subject content and lay a good foundation if learners are to master early English reading skills. The study further recommends that such teachers (Junior Primary) should prepare various activities and use a variety ii of teaching materials to arouse learners’ interests and enhance early reading. Furthermore, it was recommended that Junior Primary Educational officers frequently provide workshops for the teachers to continuously improve their teaching skills and become more professional in their work
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    An investigation of the information and communication technology (ICT) integration strategies used by junior primary teachers in teaching phonemes in the Oshana region
    (University of Namibia, 2022) Iiyambo, Renathe A
    The Namibian government has invested considerable resources in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development to enhance teaching and learning. Technology is the science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools for classroom purposes. The study investigated ICT strategies used by teachers in teaching Phonemes in English and has adopted a qualitative research method or approach. The study comprised of 15 English teachers for junior primary schools in the Oshana Region. Few schools from Oshana region were purposefully selected and took part in the study. A purposeful sampling technique was used to select the teachers for teaching English and that allowed each of the participants to have equal opportunities to participate in the study. The qualitative data was collected by means of in-depth face-to face interviews and questionnaires. The data was analyzed by means of transcribing the data and developing themes. Some major findings showed that teachers working conditions pertaining to ICT use in the teaching and learning need improvement, ICT use is low in some schools due to a lack of professional development courses, support and ICT related resources and more ICT resources need to be deployed to schools to help mitigate this problem. Further, the study suggested better ways to improve the ICT integration strategies for teaching English phonemes such as conducting teacher’s training or workshop on the use of digital tools in education sector for the benefit of all teachers.
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    Challenges to the quality of early childhood education delivery at pre-primary level: A case of five schools in Zambezi region
    (University of Namibia, 2020) Mubiana, Gloria Chizimbo
    The primary purpose of this study was to document the nature of challenges faced by pre-primary teachers when delivering quality early childhood education at pre-primary schools in the Zambezi Region. The quality of delivery of early childhood education is crucial for the cognitive, emotional, physical and social wellbeing of children (Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture [MEAC], 2016). The researcher envisaged that a high standard of delivery of early childhood education will potentially equip young children with skills and knowledge that will be important to their success during primary schooling. The study should prove essential for policy makers and other stakeholders to help them deliver early childhood education in pre-primary schools of a high standard in five schools that were purposefully selected for the study. The case study collected qualitative data using face-to-face interviews with pre-primary teachers and junior primary heads of department. Observations were conducted in pre-primary classrooms during the conduct of lessons. In addition, documents were reviewed, which included ministerial documents, journals and newspaper articles, to gather data that could be used to facilitate the improvement of early childhood education in pre-primary schools. The central question posed by the study was: What are the challenges of quality delivery in early childhood education at the selected pre-primary schools? In order to answer this primary question, the following supporting questions were formulated: What are the challenges faced by pre-primary teachers in order to implement a curriculum that will provide quality early childhood education at the five schools in the Zambezi Region of Namibia? How does the classroom environment influence the delivery of quality early childhood education at the five selected pre-primary schools? The findings of the research revealed that several challenges inhibit the quality of delivery of early childhood education at the five pre-primary schools selected for the study in the Zambezi Region. These challenges included: the use of SiLozi as a medium of instruction, a discrepancy between learning objectives as presented in teacher’s manual and in the curriculum, the lack of educational corners, the lack of teaching materials, the lack of recreational facilities and a deficiency in parental involvement in their children’s schooling.
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    Challenges of teaching Mathematical problem solving skills: A case of Junior schools in Kunene rural-farm schools, namibia
    (University of Namibia, 2020) Kleopas, Erastus
    The purpose of this study was to assess the challenges experienced by Grade 3 teachers when teaching mathematical problem solving skills in 5 selected rural farm schools in the Kunene region of Namibia. The study adopted a qualitative approach following the case study design in order to elicit the views of Grade 3 teachers and Junior Primary Heads of Department about their experiences of teaching mathematical problem solving skills in rural farm schools. Purposive sampling was used to select 5 public schools which consisted of 5 Grade 3 teachers and 3 HoDs. Participants’ ages ranged between 35-50 years. Both the teachers and the HoD’s were interviewed. Further, the study used an observation schedule as well as document analysis to collect data. A content analysis approach was used to analyse data by categorizing them using a specific coding method. The main findings of this study indicated that the majority of teachers struggled to employ appropriate teaching methods when teaching mathematical problem solving skills to young learners. Identifying key words in the story problems as well as the use of manipulatives were the most common teaching strategies teachers employed when teaching mathematical problem solving skills. Furthermore, the study revealed major challenges which included learners’ poor reading ability, lack of proper teaching materials, lack of support from the Education Regional Office, and lack of pedagogical knowledge. The study recommends that teachers should prepare reading activities that aid the learners in how to identify, understand and implement the terminologies which relate to the operation signs in order to enhance learners’ reading comprehension. Further, the study recommends that the Education Regional Offices should provide Grade 3 teachers with a series of professional development training workshops. All schools in the region should also be supplied with the same, effective teaching materials.
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    A study to determine the Afrikaans and English vocabulary levels of Grade One Afrikaans mother tongue learners in Windhoek
    (University of Namibia, 2017) Feris, Lorraine Hendrina
    Vocabulary is key in the development of language, cognition and academic achievement. Learners, coming from different backgrounds, vary in the amount of vocabulary that they bring to school. Low vocabulary levels may contribute to reading difficulties which, in turn, affect later reading and general school success negatively. Reading is perceived as a major challenge in Namibian schools; therefore, this study investigated the vocabulary levels, as well as the class reading levels, in both Afrikaans first language (L1) and English second language (L2) of Grade One Afrikaans mother tongue learners. The class reading levels were assessed by teachers, who used a five-point assessment scale provided by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture. A standardised test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT 4) was administered to determine the learners’ vocabulary levels. A quantitative research design was employed and 102 Grade One learners from three different schools in Windhoek were selected through purposive, criterion sampling. A one-sample t-test was used. It determined that there was a significant difference between the mean scores for Afrikaans Vocabulary Age and English Vocabulary Age and the chronological ages of the learners. Learners performed slightly better in the Afrikaans test than in the English test. The chronological age of the learners in the three schools were the same, but differences with regards to Afrikaans and English reading class assessment were observed. Further research is required before any final conclusions can be made about the vocabulary levels of Afrikaans speaking learners. Recommendations pertaining to further research, as well as policy monitoring and evaluation, were made.
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    Investigating the vocabulary levels in both Otjiherero (L1) and English (L2) of grade 1 Otjiherero speaking learners in the Khomas education region
    (2015) Mutjavikua, Ewaldine U.
    The vocabulary levels that children acquire during the early years of development play a significant role in their reading and overall academic success. Reading is perceived as one of the major challenges in Namibian schools. This study investigated the Otjiherero and English vocabulary levels of grade 1 Otjiherero speaking learners in the Khomas region. The researcher also investigated the differences in vocabulary levels for boys and girls. A quantitative research design was employed and participants for the study were selected through purposive criterion sampling. The sample included two schools that offered a two language curriculum, with a total of 97 participants of which 25 were from one school and 72 from the second school. The average age of the sampled learners was 7 years and 5 months. The data was collected using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) which is a standardized test. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The main findings for the Otjiherero Vocabulary Age (OVA) and English Vocabulary Age (EVA) were that participants obtained a mean score that was far below their chronological age in both languages. Mean differences between the chronological ages and the vocabulary age for both Otjiherero and English were statistically significant (p<0.05). Participants performed only slightly better in the Otjiherero test than in the English test. No statistically significant differences were found with regard to variables such as school type and sex. Clear trends were established in the study, but further research is required before any final conclusions can be made about the vocabulary acquisition of Otjiherero speaking children. Recommendations were made with regard to further research as well as strategies to improve vocabulary levels of pre-school learners
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    Factors affecting the teaching of English reading skills in a second language of grade 3 learners
    (2009) Junias, Rebecca
    This study investigated the factors affecting the teaching of English reading skills in a second language of Grade 3 learners in three primary schools, in Ongwediva town of Oshana Regional Education Directorate in Northern Namibia. It also investigated methods and approaches that were used to promote the teaching of reading in English as a second language and the linguistic environment of the classroom in which the teaching of reading occurs. Classroom environments were observed and telephonic interview was conducted with the circuit inspector of the three schools selected. Individual interviews were also done with the principals, Grade 3 teachers and Grade 3 learners of the three chosen schools. Focus group interview was also done with the same Grade 3 teachers. This study found out that insufficient reading books, poor teaching methods, insufficient teachers’ and learners’ interactions and overcrowded classrooms were some of the factors that made the teaching of reading unsuccessful. From the interviews of the circuit inspector, principals and teachers it was revealed that inadequate teacher training workshops for teachers teaching English reading, lack of parental involvement, low budget allocation to Primary Education and lack of reading capacity in vernacular affected the teaching of reading negatively. The outcome of learners’ interviews indicated that phonemic awareness and lack of comprehension created reading problems. Given the factors referred above, it is recommended that more interesting readers should be purchased to solve the shortage of reading materials. In addition, more effective teachers’ workshops should be given to strengthen the teachers’ approaches to reading skills development for Grade 3 learners.